


Definition: 这个能力是什么?

Why is it important?


Customer Service Orientation is the willingness and ability to give priority to customers; delivering high quality services which meet their needs。 In this context the customer refers both to internal customers (i。e。 other departments) and external customers (i。e。 target groups in the business)。 乐于并有能力有限考虑客户, 按照顾客的需求提供高质量服务。这里所指的客户, 包括内部客户(如其他部门), 也包括外部客户(如业务上的客户)。

This behaviour is about fully understanding customer needs in order to develop and deliver services。 只有拥有这个态度, 才能全面理解顾客所需, 以拓展并实施服务。


Delivers a service 提供服务


Adds value 帮助客户提升个人价值

第一节 面试官的“好”与“恶”(5)


Addresses underlying needs 注意到潜在需求


Serves long term interests 服务于长期利益

Keeps customers up to date and informed。 Acts promptly to ensure customer problems are resolved。 Understands that each customer is different。 Delivers what is expected; not what they think the customer wants or needs。 及时与客户沟通, 快速反应, 保证客户的问题被解决。明白每个客户不尽相同。按客户的期望提供服务, 而不是自己认为客户需要什么就提供什么。(备注: 当你强调自己为客户快速服务的时候, 别忘了: 这是最起码的要求!)

Thinks about the customer when undertaking day…to…day work。 Questions “how is this adding value for the customer?” Makes decisions with the customer in mind。 Takes pride in delivering a high quality product or service。 在日常工作中为客户着想。经常思考: “这件事情, 如何能帮助这个客户有所提高?”做决策的时候, 心中想着客户。以提供高质量产品和服务为荣。

Takes time to question and understand the real; underlying needs of customers; beyond those initially expressed。 Establishes systems to collect customer feedback。 专门安排时间质询并了解客户真正的、 潜在的需求, 而不仅仅是客户表达出来的需求。建立能有效收集客户反馈的制度。(备注: 你专门安排时间进行思考了吗?还是每天忙于各种细节?)

Always works closely with customers; developing an independent view of their needs and acting in their long…term interest。 Moves customer thinking forward; helping them understand issues beyond their day…to…day work。 向来与客户紧密合作, 对客户的需求有独到见解, 为他们的长远利益着想。推动客户进步, 帮助客户跳出日常工作的窠臼, 看到关键问题。(备注: 你跳出日常工作的窠臼了吗?还是每天做同样的事情?)

Warning signs: 令面试官“恶”的行为

Positive indicators: 令面试官“好”的行为

* Sets aside thinking time to e up with more creative ideas for getting things done。 Is willing to be different。 专门预留思考时间, 以想出更创新的好主意。乐于与众不同。

* Responds to new ideas by discussing why they might work instead of telling others why they won’t work。 遇到新观点时, 以“如何能使之可被执行”的心态进行讨论, 而不是告诉别人不可行。

* Asks colleagues to identify key factors that hinder performance and alternative ways to achieve results, and use these to plan improvements。 主动请同事分析影响自己工作效果的原因, 有什么别的办法能把事情做得更好, 使用同事的建议来计划自己的改进方案。

* In preparing for meetings or presentations; anticipates problems and criticisms that others might raise so as to be ready to address them。在准备会议和陈述的时候, 预测别人可能会提出哪些问题和批评, 并提前想好对策。

* Understands the conditions for effective partnership working: shared goal setting; knowledge sharing networking。 理解有效的伙伴关系必须建立在双赢合作的基础上: 目标一致、 共享知识与关系网。(备注: 让别人帮助你的最好办法, 就是和他成为你的合作伙伴。)

* Brings the team together regularly to discuss ways of working together more effectively。 定期开会, 讨论如何更有效工作。

第一节 面试官的“好”与“恶”(6)

* In meetings with individuals; outlines responsibilities and standards clearly。 与人面谈时, 清楚表明职责与标准。

* Confronts people d






