〃It would be better to return;〃 said Guan Yu; 〃then we might send to find out when this man had e back。〃
So Liu Bei agreed; first saying to the boy; 〃When the Master returns; tell him that Liu Bei has been here。〃
They rode away for some miles。 Presently Liu Bei stopped and looked back at the surroundings of the little cottage in the wood。
The mountains were picturesque rather than grand; the water clear rather than profound; the plain was level rather than extensive; the woods luxuriant rather than thick。 Gibbons ranged through the trees; and cranes waded in the shallow water。 The pines and the bamboos vied with each other in verdure。 It was a scene to linger upon。
While Liu Bei stood regarding it; he saw a figure ing down a mountain path。 The mans bearing was lofty。 He was handsome and dignified。 He wore a fortable…looking bonnet on his head; and a black robe hung about his figure in easy folds。 He used a staff to help him down the steep path。
〃Surely that is he!〃 said Liu Bei。
He dismounted and walked over to greet the stranger; whom he saluted deferentially; saying; 〃Are you not Master Sleeping Dragon; Sir?〃
〃Who are you; General?〃 said the stranger。
〃I am Liu Bei。〃
〃I am not Zhuge Liang; but I am a friend of his。 My name is Cui Zhouping。〃
〃Long have I known of you! I am very glad to see you;〃 replied Liu Bei。 〃And now I pray you be seated just where we are; and let me receive your instruction。〃
The two men sat down in the wood on a stone; and the two brothers ranged themselves by Liu Beis side。
Cui Zhouping began; saying; 〃General; for what reason do you wish to see Zhuge Liang?〃
Liu Bei replied; 〃The empire is in confusion; and troubles gather everywhere。 I want your friend to tell me how to restore order。〃
〃You; Sir; wish to arrest the present disorder; although you are a kindly man and; from the oldest antiquity; the correction of disorder has demanded stern measures。 On the day that Liu Bang first put his hand to the work and slew the wicked ruler of Qin; order began to replace disorder。 Good government began with the Supreme Ancestor (BC 206); and endured two hundred years………two centuries of tranquillity。 Then came Wang Mangs rebellion; and disorder took the place of order。 Anon; arose Liu Xiu; who restored the Han Dynasty; and order once more prevailed。 We have had two centuries of order and tranquillity; and the time of trouble and battles is due。 The restoration of peace will take time。 It cannot be quickly acplished。 You; Sir; wish to get Zhuge Liang to regulate times and seasons; to repair the cosmos; but I fear the task is indeed difficult; and to attempt it would be a vain expenditure of mental energy。 You know well that he who goes with the favor of Heaven travels an easy road; he who goes contrary meets difficulties。 One cannot escape ones lot; one cannot evade fate。〃
〃Master;〃 replied Liu Bei; 〃your insight is indeed deep; and your words of wide meaning。 But I am a scion of the House of Han and must help it。 Dare I talk of the inevitable and trust to fate?〃
Cui Zhouping replied; 〃A simple denizen of the mountain wilds is unfitted to discuss the affairs of empire。 But you bade me speak and I have spoken………perhaps somewhat madly。〃
〃Master; I am grateful for your instruction。 But know you whither Zhuge Liang has gone?〃
〃I also came to see him; and I know not where he is;〃 said Cui Zhouping。
〃If I asked you; Master; to acpany me to my poor bit of territory; would you e?〃
〃I am too dilatory; too fond of leisure and ease; and no longer have any ambitions。 But I will see you another time。〃
And with these words Cui Zhouping saluted and left。 The three brothers also mounted and started homeward。
Presently Zhang Fei said; 〃We have not found Zhuge Liang; and we have had to listen to the wild ravings of this so…called scholar。 There is the whole result of this journey。〃
〃His words were those of a deep thinker;〃 replied Liu Bei。
Some days after the return to Xinye; Liu Bei sent to find out whether Zhuge Liang had returned; and the messenger came back saying that he had。 Wherefore Liu Bei prepared for another visit。
Again Zhang Fei showed his irritation by remarking; 〃Why must you go hunting after this villager? Send and tell him to e。〃
〃Silence!〃 said Liu Bei; 〃The Teacher Mencius said; To try to see the sage without going his way is like barring a door you wish to enter。 Zhuge Liang is the greatest sage of the day。 How can I summon him?〃
So Liu Bei rode away to make his visit; his two brothers with him as before。 It was winter and exceedingly cold。 Floating clouds covered the whole sky。 Before they had gone far; a bitter wind began to blow i