


And he shouted and gritted his teeth and smacked the table in his wrath。

Kan Ze leaned over toward his host and said something in a very low voice; at which Gan Ning bent his head and sighed。

Cai He and Cai Zhong gathered from this scene that both Gan Ning and Kan Ze were ripe for desertion and determined to probe them。

〃Why; Sir; do you anger him? Why not be silent about your injuries?〃 said they。

〃What know you of our bitterness?〃 said Kan Ze。

〃We think you seem much inclined to go over to Cao Cao;〃 said they。

Kan Ze at this lost color。 Gan Ning started up and drew his sword; crying; 〃They have found out。 They must die to keep their mouths shut!〃

〃No; no;〃 cried the two in a flurry。 〃Let us tell you something quite secret!〃

〃Quick; then!〃 cried Gan Ning。

So Cai He said; 〃The truth is that we are only pretended deserters; and if you two gentlemen are of our way of thinking; we can manage things for you。〃

〃But are you speaking the truth?〃 said Gan Ning。

〃Is it likely we should say such a thing if it were untrue?〃 cried both at the same moment。

Gan Ning put on a pleased look and said; 〃Then this is the very heaven…given chance。〃

〃You know we have already told Cao Cao of the Huang Gai affair and how you were insulted。〃

〃The fact is I have given the Prime Minister a letter on behalf of Huang Gai; and he sent me back again to settle the date of Huang Gais desertion;〃 said Kan Ze。

〃When an honest person happens upon an enlightened master; his heart will always be drawn toward him;〃 said Gan Ning。

The four then drank together and opened their hearts to each other。 The two Cai Zhong and Cai He wrote a private letter to their master saying Gan Ning has agreed to join in our plot and play the traitor; and Kan Ze also wrote; and they sent the letters secretly to Cao Cao。

Kan Zes letter said:

〃Huang Gai has found no opportunity so far。 However; when he es; his boat can be recognized by a black; indented flag。 That shall mean he is on board。〃

However; when Cao Cao got these two letters; he was still doubtful and called together his advisers to talk over the matter。

Said he; 〃On the other side Gan Ning has been put to shame by the mander…in…Chief whom he is prepared to betray for the sake of revenge。 Huang Gai has been punished and sent Kan Ze to propose that he should e over to our side。 Only I still distrust the whole thing。 Who will go over to the camp to find out the real truth?〃

Then Jiang Gan spoke up; saying; 〃I failed in my mission the other day and am greatly mortified。 I will risk my life again and; this time; I shall surely bring good news。〃

Cao Cao approved of him as messenger and bade him start。 Jiang Gan set out in a small craft and speedily arrived in the Three Gorges; landing near the naval camp。 Then he sent to inform Zhou Yu。

Hearing who it was; Zhou Yu chuckled; saying; 〃Success depends upon this man。〃

Then Zhou Yu called Lu Su and told him to call Pang Tong to e and do certain things for him。

This Pang Tong was from Xiangyang。 And he had gone to the east of the river to get away from the strife。 Lu Su had remended him to Zhou Yu; but he had not yet presented himself。

When Zhou Yu sent Lu Su to ask what scheme of attack he would remend against Cao Cao; Pang Tong had said to Lu Su; 〃You must use fire against him。 But the river is wide and if one ship is set on fire; the others will scatter unless they are fastened together so that they must remain in one place。 That is the one road to success。〃

Lu Su took this message to the General; who pondered over it and then said; 〃The only person who can manage this is Pang Tong himself。〃

〃Cao Cao is very wily;〃 said Lu Su。 〃How can Pang Tong go?〃

So Zhou Yu was sad and undecided。 He could think of no method till suddenly the means presented itself in the arrival of Jiang Gan。

Zhou Yu at once sent instructions to Pang Tong how to act; and then sat himself in his tent to await his visitor Jiang Gan。

But the visitor became ill at ease and suspicious when he saw that his old student friend did not e to wele him; and he took the precaution of sending his boat into a retired spot to be made fast before he went to the Generals tent。

When Zhou Yu saw Jiang Gan; Zhou Yu put on an angry face and said; 〃My friend; why did you treat me so badly?〃

Jiang Gan laughed and said; 〃I remembered the old days when we were as brothers; and I came expressly to pour out my heart to you。 Why do you say I treated you badly?〃

〃You came to persuade me to betray my master; which I would never do unless the sea dried up and the rocks perished。 Remembering the old times; I filled you with wine and kept you to sleep with me。 And you; you plundered my private letters and stole away with never a word of farewell。 You betrayed me to Cao Cao and caused the death of my two friends on the other side and so caused all my plans to miscarry。 Now what have you e for? Certainly; it is not out of kindness to me。 I would cut you in two; but I still care for our old friendship。 I would send you back again; but within a day or two I shall attack that rebel。 If I let you stay in my camp; my plans will leak out。 So I am going to tell my attendants to conduct you to a certain retired hut in the Western Hills; and keep you there till I shall have won the victory。 Then I will send you back again。〃



赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...














