With this he set his spear and rode over toward Cao Cao as if to slay him。 But Yu Jin came out from behind and engaged Ma Chao in battle。 These two fought some half score bouts; and then Yu Jin had to flee。 Zhang He; however; took his place and the two warriors exchanged twenty passes。 Then Zhang He; too; ran away。
Next to e forth was Li Tong。 Ma Chaos martial prowess was now at its height; and he made short work of Li Tong; who went out of the saddle at the first blow。 Then Ma Chao flourished his spear at the troops behind him as a signal for them to e on; which they did like a flood。 They overwhelmed Cao Caos forces; and Ma Chao; Pang De; and Ma Dai rode forward to try to capture Cao Cao。
They came close。 Cao Cao heard one of his pursuers shout to another; 〃Cao Cao is he in the red dress!〃
So he hastily tore off his red robe and threw it away。 He also heard one say 〃Cao Cao is he with the long beard!〃
At once Cao Cao took the sword that he wore at his side and sawed off some of the beard。 Yet again a soldier recognized him and told Ma Chao that Cao Cao had now cut his beard; whereupon the order went forth to capture short beards。 And then Cao Cao wrapped the corner of a flag about neck and jowl and fled。
Panic seized upon the soldiers at Tong Pass;
Frightened; Cao Cao flung off his brocade robe
And; terror…stricken; sawed his beard off with a sword。
The fame of Ma Chao rose even to the sky。
Cao Cao had got clear of the battle and was getting calmer。 Then again the sound of hoofs fell upon his ears。 And on looking round; he perceived Ma Chao quite close。 He and those near were panic…stricken; and all scattered for their lives; careless of the fate of their leader。
〃Cao Cao; do not flee!〃 cried Ma Chao ing nearer。
The whip dropped from Cao Caos nerveless hand as he saw his enemy ing closer and closer。 But just as Ma Chao had leveled his spear for a thrust; Cao Cao slipped behind a tree; changed the direction of his flight and so escaped; while Ma Chao struck the tree。 He quickly pulled out his spear; but the delay gave the fugitive an advantage; although it did not quite free him from pursuit; for Ma Chao was soon again galloping on his track。
As they drew near the slope of some hills; a bold general suddenly appeared; who cried; 〃Do not hurt my lord!〃
This was Cao Hong; and he went toward Ma Chao; whirling his sword。 Ma Chao was stopped; and this saved Cao Caos life。 Cao Hong and Ma Chao fought half a hundred bouts till Cao Hong began to grow weary and bee uncertain of his strokes。 And when; shortly after; Xiahou Yuan appeared with some thirty horsemen; Ma Chao found it prudent to retire。
Then Cao Cao was escorted to his camp defended by Cao Ren。 He found the camps were still unharmed and the losses had not been great。
As he sat in his tent; Cao Cao said; 〃Had I not spared Cao Hong; I should have fallen at the hands of Ma Chao today。〃
So he called in his rescuer and rewarded him well。
And they got together the scattered troops and strengthened the camp; deepening the moat and raising the rampart。 Ma Chao came daily and challenged anyone to bat and abused them all shamefully; but; by the order of the Prime Minister; these insults were treated with silent contempt。
〃Our enemies use long spears;〃 said the officers。 〃We will meet them with bows and crossbows。〃
〃They may have long spears;〃 replied Cao Cao; 〃but whether I give battle or not depends on my decision。 How can they thrust at us if we do not go out? All you have to do is to take no notice of them; and they will speedily retire。〃
The officers wondered。 They said one to another; 〃The Prime Minister came out on this expedition of his own will and was foremost in the fight。 Why does he accept defeat so easily?〃
After some days the spies reported: 〃Ma Chao has been reinforced by twenty thousand Qiangs; the tribespeople beyond the frontier。〃
Cao Cao took the news gleefully。 His officers asked him why the news pleased him。
He replied; 〃Wait till I have defeated them; and I will explain。〃
Three days later there was a report of further reinforcements; and Cao Cao not only smiled but gave a banquet。 His officers ridiculed him in secret。
Then said Cao Cao; 〃You gentlemen laugh because I cannot destroy Ma Chao。 Well then; can anyone of you propose a plan?〃
Then rose Xu Huang and said; 〃O Prime Minister; you have a large force here; and the enemy also accumulate their strength on the Pass。 This means that on the west side of Yellow River; behind their back; they are unprepared。 If you can get an army secretly across the river and cross the Cattail Ferry; you will cut off their retreat。 Then if you can march down and smite them on the banks of River Wei; they can get no reinforcements and must fail。〃
〃What you propose is just what I think;〃 said Cao Cao。
So Xu Huang was placed over four thousand troops; and with Zhu Ling; marched to the west of Yellow River and hid in the gullies。 They were to wait till Cao Cao crossed the Yellow River so that both could strike together。
Then Cao Cao ordered Cao Hong to prepare boats and rafts。 Cao Ren was left in mand of the camps。 Cao Cao himself marched to the east bank of Yellow R