


〃What now? Cao Cao has crossed to the south of the river; and we can be attacked in the rear;〃 said Ma Chao。

mander Li Kan said; 〃Then you had better e to an agreement; sacrifice some territory; and make peace。 Then both can repose through the winter and await the changes and chances that may e with the spring warmth。〃

〃He is wise;〃 said Han Sui; 〃and I advise the same。〃

But Ma Chao hesitated。 Others exhorted him to make peace; and at length he agreed。 So Yang Qiu and Hou Xuan were sent as messengers of peace to the camp of Cao Cao。

〃You may return。 I will send my reply;〃 said Cao Cao when they had declared the purport of their mission。 And they left。

Then Jia Xu said to Cao Cao; 〃What is your opinion; O Prime Minister?〃

〃What is yours?〃 asked Cao Cao。

〃War allows deceit; therefore pretend to agree。 Then we can try some means of sowing suspicions between Han Sui and Ma Chao so that we may thereby destroy both。〃

Cao Cao clapped his hands for very joy; saying; 〃That is the best idea of all! Most suitable! You and I agree in our ideas。 I was just thinking of that。〃

So an answer was returned:

〃Let me gradually withdraw my soldiers; and I will give back the land belonging to you on the west of Yellow River。〃

And at the same time Cao Cao ordered the construction of a floating bridge to help in the withdrawal to the east side。

When the reply arrived; Ma Chao said to Han Sui; 〃Although he agrees to peace; yet he is evil and crafty。 We must remain prepared against his machinations。 Uncle; you and I will take turns in watching Cao Cao and Xu Huang on alternate days。 So shall we be safe against his treachery。〃

They agreed and began the regular alternate watch。 Soon Cao Cao got to know what they were doing; and he turned to Jia Xu; saying; 〃I am succeeding。〃

〃Who keeps the look…out on the north bank tomorrow?〃 asked Cao Cao。

〃Han Sui;〃 replied someone。

Next day Cao Cao at the head of a large party of his generals rode out of the camp; and the officers presently spread out right and left; he himself remaining a solitary rider visible in the center。 Han Sui did not know that Cao Cao had e out。

Presently Cao Cao called out; 〃Do any of you soldiers want to see Cao Cao? Here I am quite alone。 I have not four eyes nor a couple of mouths; but I am very knowing。〃

The soldiers turned pale with fright。 Then Cao Cao called up a man and told him to go and see Han Sui and say; 〃Sir; the Prime Minister humbly asks you to e and confer with him。〃

Thereupon Han Sui went out; and seeing Cao Cao wore no armor; Han Sui also threw off his and rode out clad in a light robe。 Each rode up to the other till their horses heads nearly touched; and there they stood talking。

Said Cao Cao; 〃Your father and I were granted filial degrees at the same time; and I used to treat him as an uncle。 Moreover; you and I set out to serve the court at the same time; too; and yet we have not met for years。 How old may you be now; General?〃

〃I am forty;〃 replied Han Sui。

〃In those old days in the capital; we were both very young and never thought about middle age。 If we could only restore tranquillity to the state; that would be a matter of rejoicing。〃

After that they chatted long about old times; but neither said a word on military matters。 They gossiped for a couple of hours before they took leave of each other。

It was not long before someone told Ma Chao of this meeting; and he went over to his ally to ask about it。

〃What was it Cao Cao came out to discuss today ?〃 said Ma Chao。

〃He just recalled the old days when we were together in the capital。〃

〃Did he say nothing about military matters?〃

〃Not a word; and I could not talk about them alone。〃

Ma Chao went out without a word; but he felt suspicious。

When Cao Cao returned to his camp; he said to Jia Xu; 〃Do you know why I talked with him thus publicly?〃

〃It may be an excellent idea;〃 said Jia Xu; 〃but it is not sufficient simply to estrange two people。 I can improve on it; and we will make them quarrel and even kill each other。〃

〃What is your scheme?〃

〃Ma Chao is brave but not very astute。 You write a letter with your own hand to Han Sui himself and put in it some rambling statements about some harm that is going to happen。 Then blot it out and write something else。 Afterwards you will send it to Han Sui; taking care that Ma Chao shall know all about it。 Ma Chao will demand to read the letter; and when he sees that the important part of the letter has been changed; he will think that Han Sui has made the changes lest his secrets should leak out。 This will fit into the private talk you had with Han Sui the other day; and the suspicion will grow until it has brought about trouble。 I can also secretly corrupt some of Han Suis subordinates; and get them to widen the breach。 Then we can settle Ma Chao。〃

〃The scheme looks excellent;〃 said Cao Cao。

And he wrote the letter as suggested; and then erased and changed it; after which he sealed it securely and sent it


















赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...