


But Hua Xin led a totally different life。 For a time he was with Sun Quan; then he went over to Cao Cao and served him。 And here he is found actually laying hands upon the Empress。

His conduct in this particular is the subject of a poem:

That was a dastardly thing that Hua Xin did;

When he broke don the wall where the Empress hid

And dragged her forth by the hair。

He lent his aid to a foul; foul crime

And execrations throughout all time;

Have been; and shall be; his share。

A poet also wrote concerning Guan Ning:

East of Liaodong; so stories tell

Is Guan Nings tower; where long he dwelt。

Ignoble wealth was Hua Xins quest;

The hermits simple life was best。

As Hua Xin hurried the unhappy woman out of the hall; the Emperor saw her。 He went over and clasped her to his bosom; weeping。

Hua Xin tried to force her onward; saying; 〃The Duke of Wei ordered no delay!〃

〃My doom is sealed;〃 wept the Empress。

〃And I know not when my turn will e;〃 sighed the Emperor。

The soldiers hustled the Empress onward; leaving His Majesty beating his breast in despair。

〃Can it be that such things happen in the world?〃 cried the Emperor to Chi Lu; who stood by。

And the Emperor swooned。 Chi Lu made the courtiers pick him up; and they bore him into the Palace。

Meanwhile; the unhappy Empress had been taken before Cao Cao。

〃I have dealt well with you;〃 said he angrily; 〃and you requited me by plotting my murder。 It is the death of one of us; I see。〃

He ordered the executioners to beat her till she died。 After this; he went into the Palace; seized her two sons and had them poisoned。 In the evening of the same day the whole households of Mu Shun and Fu Wan were put to death publicly。 Such terrible deeds spread terror everywhere。 They happened in the eleventh month of the nineteenth year of Rebuilt Tranquillity (AD 214)。

As Cao Cao stands first in cruelty;

So stands Fu Wan in loyalty。

A married pair of low estate;

Had not been torn apart by fate。

The Emperor grieved bitterly over the loss of his consort; and in his despair refused all food。 Cao Cao did not wish him to die of starvation and loneliness; so he proposed his own daughter as consort。


















赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...