While yet a boy; Deng Ai loved to sketch and plan;
He was an able leader as a man。
The earth could hide no secrets from his eye;
With equal skill he read the starry sky。
Past every obstacle his way he won;
And onward pressed until his task was done。
But foulest murder closed a great career;
His spirit ranges now a larger sphere。
A poem was also posed in pity for Zhong Hui:
Of mother wit Zhong Hui had no scanty share;
And in due time at court did office bear。
His subtle plans shook Sima Zhaos hold on power;
He was well named the Zhang Liang of the hour。
Shouchun and Saber Pass ramparts straight fell down;
When he attacked; and he won great renown。
Ambition beckoned; he would forward press
His spirit homeward wandered; bodiless。
Another poem; in pity of Jiang Wei; runs:
Tianshui boasts of a hero;
Talent came forth from Xizhou;
Lu Wang fathered his spirit;
Zhuge Liang tutored his mind;
Valiant he ever pressed forward;
Nor had a thought of returning;
Grieved were the soldiers of Han
When death rapt his soul from his body。
And thus died all three leaders。 Many other generals also perished in the fighting; and with them died Zhang Yi and other officers。 Liu Rui; the heir…apparent; and Guan Yi; Lord of Hanshou and grandson of Guan Yu; were also killed by the Wei soldiers。 Then followed a time of great confusion and bloodshed; which endured till Jia Chong arrived and restored confidence and order。
'e' Matt;
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...