


〃The plan seems excellent;〃 said Sun Quan。

But just then a voice was heard from behind the screen; crying; 〃You may just put to death the man who proposed that scheme for trying to pass the death of my daughter。〃

Everyone started with surprise。 It was the Dowager Marchioness voice。

Further; Lady Wu looked very angry as she entered; saying; 〃What is to bee of my only daughter; who is the wife of Liu Bei?〃

She turned her wrathful eyes to Sun Quan and said; 〃You were heir to your father and brother and obtained possession of all these lands without the least effort。 Yet you are dissatisfied and would forget the claims of your own flesh and blood and sacrifice your sister for the sake of adding a little to your lands。〃

〃No; no!〃 murmured Sun Quan; ashamed。 〃I would never think of going contrary to my mothers wishes and orders。〃

He abruptly dismissed the assembly; and when they had gone the old lady; still nursing her wrath; retired to her own apartments。

Left alone beneath the portico; Sun Quan sighed sadly。

〃This chance missed! When will Jingzhou be mine?〃 thought he。

While still deep in reverie; Zhang Zhao came up; saying; 〃What grieves my lord?〃

〃No great matter; only this last failure to gain my ends。〃

〃The difficulty may be easily removed;〃 said Zhang Zhao。 〃Choose some trusty man and charge him with a secret letter to Lady Sun Ren saying that her mother is dangerously ill。 Give him five hundred men as escort and tell him to make his way privily into Jingzhou City and deliver the letter。 Hearing her mother wants her; she will rush home at once; and she might bring with her the only son of Liu Bei。 Liu Bei will be glad enough to exchange Jingzhou for his son。 If he will not; you can still send the army。〃

〃That sounds like a good plan;〃 said Sun Quan。 〃Further; I have the man to carry it out successfully。 He is that Zhou Shan; who was a bold one。 He used to acpany my brother in his youth。 He is the man to go。〃

〃Keep it a secret; then;〃 said Zhang Zhao; 〃and let Zhou Shan start quickly。〃

It was decided that Zhou Shan should take with him about five hundred soldiers disguised as ordinary traders。 He had five vessels and distributed his men among them; while weapons were hidden in the holds。 Travel documents were forged to look like veritable authority in case they were asked。

Zhou Shan set out along the river route for the city of Jingzhou and was not long on the way。 He anchored his ships under the bank; landed; and went into the city to the residence; where he bade the doorkeepers announce him。 He was admitted and led into the presence of Lady Sun and presently gave her the secret letter。 When she read that her mother was in danger of death; she began to weep bitterly and questioned the messenger closely。

Zhou Shan invented a story; saying; 〃The Dowager Marchioness is really fretting for a sight of yours。 If you do not go quickly; it will be too late。 The Dowager Marchioness also wants to see little Liu Shan once before she dies。〃

Lady Sun replied; 〃You know that the Imperial Uncle is far away on military service; and I ought to inform the chief of the army before returning home。〃

〃But what will you do if the chief says he must inform your husband and await his consent?〃 said Zhou Shan。

〃If I went without asking permission………but I fear that is impossible。〃

〃My ships are all ready in the river; and you have only to drive through the city;〃 said Zhou Shan。

Naturally the news of her mothers illness greatly disturbed the young wife。 In a short time her carriage was ready; and she mounted; taking Liu Shan with her。 She took an escort of thirty guards; all armed; and was soon at the river side and had embarked before the palace people could report what she was doing。

But just as the ships were starting; a voice was heard; shouting; 〃Do not start yet! Let me bid my lady farewell。〃

The voice was Zhao Yuns。 He had just returned from an inspection trip; and they had at once told him of Lady Suns sudden departure。 As soon as he had recovered from his surprise; he dashed down to the river bank like a whirlwind; with only half a dozen followers。 He arrived only just in time。 The boat was starting; and Zhou Shan stood in the prow; a long spear in his hand。

〃Who are you that you dare hinder the movements of your mistress?〃 cried Zhou Shan。

Zhou Shan bade his soldiers cast off and get under way; and also to prepare their weapons to fight。 The ship moved off with a fair wind and a strong current beneath her keel。

But Zhao Yun followed along the bank。

〃My lady may go or not as she pleases;〃 cried he; 〃but I have one word to say to her。〃

Zhou Shan turned a deaf ear and only urged his soldiers to get greater speed on the ship。 Zhao Yun followed down the bank for some three or more miles。 Then he saw a fishing boat made fast to the bank。 He at once dismounted; cast off the rope; took his spear; and leaped into the boat。 Then he made the two men row him toward the vessel in which sat Lady Sun。

As he approached; the soldiers of the South Land threatened him with their spears。 Thereupon he threw his spear into the bottom of the boat; drew the glittering steel blade he wore; dashed aside the opposing spears; and leaped upon the larger vessel。 The guards of the South Land fell back in surprise and fear; and Zhao Yun went down into the body of the ship。 There sat Lady Sun with little Liu Shan in her arms。

〃Why this rude intrusion?〃 said she angrily。

The warrior sheathed his sword and said humbly; 〃Whither may my mistress be going; and






赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...











