


'e' There is a drawing by Zhang Yu titled 〃Cai Yan Returns to Her Homeland〃。 。。。。。

Now Cao Cao and Cai Yong had been excellent friends at one time。 Cai Yongs daughter had been first married to Wei Zhongdao。 Then she was abducted by the frontier tribes and taken away to the north; where she had borne two sons。 She had posed a ballad called 〃Eighteen Stanzas for the Mongol Flageolet;〃 which was widespread to the empire。 Cao Cao had been moved by pity for her sorrows and sent a messenger with a thousand ounces of gold to ransom her。 The Prince of the frontier Xiongnu State; Ce Xian the Khan; overawed by Cao Caos strength; had restored her to Cai Yong。 Then Cao Cao gave her in marriage to Dong Si。*

Ordering his escort to march on; Cao Cao went up to the gate with only a few attendants; dismounted; and inquired after the lady of the house。 At this time Dong Si was absent at his post; and the lady was alone。 As soon as she heard who her visitor was; she hastened to wele him and led him into the reception room。 When Cao Cao was seated and she had performed the proper salutations; she stood respectfully at his side。 Glancing round the room; Cao Cao saw a rubbing of a tablet hanging on the wall。 So he got up to read it; and asked his hostess about it。

〃It is a tablet of Cao E; or the fair Lady Cao。 In the time of the Emperor He (AD 100); in the Xiongnu State there was a certain magician named Cao Xu; who could dance and sing like the very Spirit of Music。 On the fifth of the fifth month he was out in a boat; and being intoxicated; fell overboard and was drowned。 He had a daughter; Cao E; then fourteen years of age。 She was greatly distressed and sought the body of her father for seven days and nights; weeping all the while。 Then she threw herself into the waves; and five days later she floated to the surface with her fathers body in her arms。 The villagers buried them on the bank; and the magistrate reported the occurrence to the Emperor as a worthy instance of daughterly affection and remarkable piety。

〃A later magistrate had the story inscribed by Handan Chun in memory of the event。 At that time Handan Chun was only thirteen; but the position of the inscription was so perfect that neither jot nor tittle could be added; and yet he had written it impromptu without revision。 The stone was set up beside the grave; and both inscription and story were the admiration of all the people of that day。 My father went to see it。 It was evening; but in the obscurity he felt out the inscription with his fingers。 He got hold of a pencil and wrote eight large characters on the reverse of the stone and; later; some person recutting the stone engraved these eight words as well。〃

Cao Cao then read the eight words; they formed an enigma。 Literally they read; 〃yellow silk; young wife; a daughters child; pestle and mortar。〃

〃Can you explain?〃 asked Cao Cao of his hostess。

〃No; although it is a writing of my fathers; thy handmaid cannot interpret it;〃 she replied。

Turning to the strategists of his staff; Cao Cao said; 〃Can anyone of you explain it?〃

But no one made any reply。 Suddenly; they heard one voice; 〃I have grasped the meaning of it。〃

The man who said he had fathomed the meaning was First Secretary Yang Xiu。

〃Do not tell me yet。 Let me think it out;〃 said Cao Cao。

Soon after they took leave of the lady; went out of the farm; and rode on。 About one mile from the farm; the meaning suddenly dawned upon Cao Cao。

He laughingly turned to Yang Xiu; saying; 〃Now; you may try。〃

〃This is the solution of the enigma;〃 said Yang Xiu。 〃Yellow silk is silk threads of natural color; and the character for silk placed beside that for color forms a word meaning finally; decidedly。 The young wife is a little female; and the character for female with little; or few; placed beside it forms a word meaning admirable; fine。 The daughters child is daughter and child; which side by side make the word good。 And a pestle and mortar suggest pounding together the five bitter herbs in a receptacle: The character for receptacle and bitter form a word meaning to tell。 So the four words are Decidedly fine and well told。〃

Cao Cao was astonished at Yang Xius cleverness; and said; 〃Just what I made it。〃

Those around greatly wondered at Yang Xius ingenuity and knowledge。

In less than a day they reached Nanzheng; where Cao Hong weled them。 He told the tale of Zhang Hes misfortunes。

〃To suffer defeat is no crime;〃 said Cao Cao。 〃That and victory are things that happen constantly in war。〃

〃Liu Bei has sent Huang Zhong to take Dingjun Mountain;〃 said Cao Hong。 〃Xiahou Yuan; hearing you were ing; O Prince; has been defending the position and not going out to give battle。〃

〃But standing always on the defensive is showing weakness;〃 said Cao Cao。

Thereupon he bade a man carry an authority ensign to the Mountain mander and so order him to attack the enemy。

〃Xiahou Yuan is very stern and inflexible; and he may be carried too far and fall victim to some vile ruse;〃 said Liu Ye。

Wherefore the Prince wrote a letter to him to acpany the authority ensign。 And when the messenger arrived and the letter was opened; it read:

〃Every leader must exercise a bination of inflexibility and yielding。 Boldness is not the only thing that counts; if he makes it so; then is he a mere creature to fight。 Now I am camped at Nanzheng ready to watch the deeds of your admirable prowess and capacity; and all I have to say is; Do not disgrace your previous reputation。〃

The letter pleased the mander mightily。 Having sent away the bearer; Xiahou Yuan called in Zhang He to consult。

〃The Prince has a great army at Nanzheng ready to destroy Liu Bei。 We have been on the defense here long enough; and it is time we rendered some solid service。 Tomorrow I am going out to battle; and hope to capture Huang Zhong。〃

〃Your opponent bines ready resource with boldness and prevision;〃 said Zhang He。 〃Beside; he has Fa Zheng to aid him; and you must be cautious; for the country is very difficult and dangerous。 You had better keep on the defensive。〃

〃How shall we be able to look our pri

















