


The two boys ignorant of the meaning of all this confusion and terrified out of their senses; dared not utter a cry。 They crept in among the rank grass on the river bank and hid。 The soldiers scattered in all directions but failed to find them。 So they remained till the fourth watch; shivering with cold from the drenching dew and very hungry。 They lay down in the thick grass and wept in each others arms; silently; lest anyone should discover them。

〃This is no a place to stay in;〃 said Prince Xian。 〃We must find some way out。〃

So the two children knotted their clothes together and managed to crawl up the bank。 They were in a thicket of thorn bushes; and it was quite dark。 They could not see any path。 They were in despair when; all at once; millions of fireflies sprang up all about them and circled in the air in front of the Emperor。

〃God is helping us;〃 said Prince Xian。

They followed whither the fireflies led and gradually got into a road。 They walked till their feet were too sore to go further; when; seeing a heap of straw near the road; they crept to it and lay down。

This heap of straw was close to a farm house。 In the night; as the farmer was sleeping; he saw in a vision two bright red suns drop behind his dwelling。 Alarmed by the portent; he hastily dressed and went forth to look about him。 Then he saw a bright light shooting up from a heap of straw。 He hastened thither and then saw two youths lying behind it。

〃To what household do you belong; young gentlemen?〃 asked the farmer。

The Emperor was too frightened to reply; but his panion said; 〃He is the Emperor。 There was a revolution in the Forbidden City; and we ran away。 I am his brother; Prince of Chenliu。〃

The farmer bowed again and again and said; 〃My name is Sui Lie。 My brother Sui Yi is the former Minister of the Interior。 My brother was disgusted with the behavior of the eunuchs and so resigned and hid away here。〃

The two lads were taken into the farm; and their host on his knees served them with refreshment。

It has been said that Min Gong had gone in pursuit of Eunuch Duan Gui。 By and by Min Gong overtook Duan Gui and cried; 〃Where is the Emperor?〃

〃He disappeared! I do not know where he is!〃

Min Gong slew Duan Gui and hung the bleeding head on his horses neck。 Then he sent his troops searching in all directions; and he rode off by himself on the same quest。 Presently he came to the farm。 Sui Lie; seeing what hung on his horses neck; questioned him and; satisfied with his story; led him to the Emperor。 The meeting was affecting。 All were moved to tears。

〃The state cannot be without its ruler;〃 said Min Gong。 〃I pray Your Majesty return to the city。〃

At the farm they had but one sorry nag and this they saddled for the Emperor。 The young Prince was taken on Min Gongs charger。 And thus they left the farm。 Not beyond one mile from the farm; they fell in with other officials and several hundred guards and soldiers made up an imposing cavalcade。 In the cavalcade were Wang Yun; Minister of the Interior; Yang Biao; Grand mander; Chunyu Qiong; mander of the Left Army; Zhao Meng; mander of the Right Army; Bao Xin; mander of the Rear Army; and Yuan Shao; mander of the Center Army。 Tears were shed freely as the ministers met their Emperor。

A man was sent on in front to the capital there to expose the head of Eunuch Duan Gui。

As soon as they could; they placed the Emperor on a better steed and the young Prince had a horse to himself。 Thus the Emperor returned to Luoyang; and so it happened after all as the street childrens ditty ran:

Though the emperor doesnt rule; though the prince no office fills;

Yet a brilliant cavalcade es along from Beimang Hills。

The cavalcade had not proceeded far when they saw ing towards them a large body of soldiers with fluttering banners hiding the sun and raising a huge cloud of dust。 The officials turned pale; and the Emperor was greatly alarmed。 Yuan Shao rode out in advance。

〃Who are you?〃 said Yuan Shao。

From under the shade of an embroidered banner rode out a leader; saying; 〃Do you have the Emperor?〃

The Emperor was too panic stricken to respond; but the Prince of Chenliu rode to the front and cried; 〃Who are you?〃

〃Dong Zhuo; Imperial Protector of Xizhou Region。〃

〃Have you e to protect the Chariot or to steal it?〃 said Prince Xian。

〃I have e to protect;〃 said Dong Zhuo。

〃If that is so; the Emperor is here: Why do you not dismount?〃

Dong Zhuo hastily dismounted and made obeisance on the left of the road。 Then Prince Xian spoke graciously to him。 From first to last the Prince had carried himself most perfectly so that Dong Zhuo in his heart admired his behavior; and then arose the first desire to set aside the Emperor in favor of the Prince of Chenliu。

They reached the Palace the same day; and there was an affecting interview with Empress He。

But when they had restored order in the Palace; the Imperial Hereditary Seal; the special seal of the Emperor; was missing。

Dong Zhuo camped without the walls; but every day he was to be seen in the streets with an escort of mailed soldiers so that the mon people were in a state of constant trepidation。 He also went in and out of the Palace careless of all the rules of propriety。

mander of the Rear Army Bao Xin spoke of Dong Zhuos behavior to Yuan Shao; saying; 〃This man harbors some evil design and should be removed。〃

〃Nothing can he done till the government is more settled;〃 said Yuan Shao。

Then Bao Xin saw Minister of the Interior Wang Yun and asked what he thought。

〃Let us talk it over;〃 was the reply。

Bao Xin said no more but he left the capital and retired to the Taishan Mountains。

Dong Zhuo induced the soldiers of the two brothers He Jin and He Miao to join his mand; and privately spoke to his adviser Li Ru about deposing the Emperor in favor of the Prince of Chenliu。



















赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...