


About seven miles from the bridge; Zhao Yun saw Liu Bei with his followers reposing in the shade of some trees。 He dismounted and drew near; weeping。 The tears also started to Liu Beis eyes when he saw his faithful mander。

Still panting from his exertions; Zhao Yun gasped out; 〃My fault………death is too light a punishment。 Lady Mi was severely wounded。 She refused my horse and threw herself into a well。 She is dead; and all I could do was to fill in the well with the rubbish that lay around。 But I placed the babe in the breast of my fighting robe and have won my way out of the press of battle。 Thanks to the little lords grand luck I have escaped。 At first he cried a good deal; but for some time now he has not stirred or made a sound。 I fear I may not have saved his life after all。〃

Then Zhao Yun opened his robe and looked: The child was fast asleep。

〃Happily; Sir; your son is unhurt;〃 said Zhao Yun as he drew him forth and presented him in both hands。

Liu Bei took the child but threw it aside angrily; saying; 〃To preserve that suckling I very nearly lost a great mander!〃

Zhao Yun picked up the child again and; weeping; said; 〃Were I ground to powder; I could not prove my gratitude。〃

From out Cao Caos host a tiger rushed;

His wish but to destroy;

Though Liu Beis consort lost her life;

Zhao Yun preserved her boy。

〃Too great the risk you ran to save

This child;〃 the father cried。

To show he rated Zhao Yun high;

He threw his son aside。

Wen Ping and his pany pursued Zhao Yun till they saw Zhang Feis bristling mustache and fiercely glaring eyes before them。 There he was seated on his battle steed; his hand grasping his terrible serpent spear; guarding the bridge。 They also saw great clouds of dust rising above the trees and concluded they would fall into an ambush if they ventured across the bridge。 So they stopped the pursuit; not daring to advance further。

In a little time Cao Ren; Xiahou Dun; Xiahou Yuan; Li Dian; Yue Jing; Zhang Liao; Xu Chu; Zhang He; and other generals of Cao Cao came up; but none dared advance; frightened not only by Zhang Feis fierce look; but lest they should bee victims of a ruse of Zhuge Liang。 As they came up; they formed a line on the west side; halting till they could inform their lord of the position。

As soon as the messengers arrived and Cao Cao heard about it; he mounted and rode to the bridge to see for himself。 Zhang Feis fierce eye scanning the hinder position of the army opposite him saw the silken umbrella; the axes and banners ing along; and concluded that Cao Cao came to see for himself how matters stood。

So in a mighty voice he shouted: 〃I am Zhang Fei of Yan。 Who dares fight with me?〃

At the sound of this thunderous voice; a terrible quaking fear seized upon Cao Cao; and he bade them take the umbrella away。

Turning to his followers; he said; 〃Guan Yu had said that his brother Zhang Fei was the sort of man to go through an army of a hundred legions and take the head of its mander…in…chief; and do it easily。 Now here is this terror in front of us; and we must be careful。〃

As he finished speaking; again that terrible voice was heard; 〃I am Zhang Fei of Yan。Who dares fight with me?〃

Cao Cao; seeing his enemy so fierce and resolute; was too frightened to think of anything but retreat。

Zhang Fei; seeing a movement going on in the rear; once again shook his spear and roared; 〃What mean you? You will not fight nor do you run away!〃

This roar had scarcely begun when one of Cao Caos staff; Xiahou Jie; reeled and fell from his horse terror…stricken; paralyzed with fear。 The panic touched Cao Cao and spread to his whole surroundings; and he and his staff galloped for their lives。 They were as frightened as a suckling babe at a clap of thunder or a weak woodcutter at the roar of a tiger。 Many threw away their spears; dropped their casques and fled; a wave of panic…stricken humanity; a tumbling mass of terrified horses。 None thought of ought but flight; and those who ran trampled the bodies of fallen rades under foot。

Zhang Fei was wrathful; and who dared

To accept his challenge? Fierce he glared;

His thunderous voice rolled out; and then

In terror fled Cao Caos armed soldiers。

Panic…stricken Cao Cao galloped westward with the rest; thinking of nothing but getting away。 He lost his headdress; and his loosened hair streamed behind him。 Presently Zhang Liao and Xu Chu came up with him and seized his bridle; fear had deprived him of all self…control。

〃Do not be frightened;〃 said Zhang Liao。 〃After all Zhang Fei is but one man and not worthy of extravagant fear。 If you will only return and attack; you will capture your enemy。〃

That time Cao Cao had somewhat overe his panic and bee reasonable。 Two generals were ordered back to the bridge to reconnoiter。

Zhang Fei saw the disorderly rout of the enemy but he dared not pursue。 However; he bade his score or so of dust…raising followers to cut loose the branches from their horses tails and e to help destroy the bridge。 This done he went to report to his brother and told him of the destruction of the bridge。

〃Brave as you are; brother; and no one is braver; but you are no strategist;〃 said Liu Bei。

〃What mean you; brother?〃

〃Cao Cao is very deep。 You are no match for him。 The destruction of the bridge will bring him in pursuit。〃

〃If he ran away at a yell of mine; think you he will dare return?〃

〃If you had left the bridge; he would have thought there was an ambush and would not have dared to pass it。 Now the destruction of the bridge tells him we are weak and fearful; and he will pursue。 He does not mind a broken bridge。 His legions could fill up the biggest rivers that we could get across。〃

So orders


















赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...