


Liu Bei told him。

〃As a leader you cannot be ignorant of the lie of the land。 Your camps over there are on River Fu。 If the river be diverted and the enemy hold your army in front and rear; not a soul can escape。〃

Liu Bei realized that this was true。

Peng Yang continued; 〃In the heaven; the bowl of the Dipper lies toward the west; and Venus stands over against us。 The aspect is ominous of evil; and some misfortune threatens。 It must be warded off。〃

Liu Bei offered Peng Yang an appointment as an adviser。 Then he sent messages to the generals at the camps telling them to keep most vigilant look…out to guard against the cutting of the river bank。 When this message came; Huang Zhong and Wei Yan agreed together to take duty day and night about and maintain the strict watch necessary in the presence of an enemy near at hand。 They arranged means of munication in case either met with a body of the enemy。

One very stormy night; Ling Bao ventured out with a strong party of five thousand and went along the river bank to seek a suitable place for the breach。 But a sudden shouting in his rear told him that the army of Jingzhou were on the alert; and he at once retired。 Wei Yan came in pursuit and; as he pressed nearer; Ling Baos troops hurried forward; trampling each other down in their haste。 Suddenly Ling Bao and Wei Yan ran against each other; and they engaged。 The fight was very short; for Wei Yan soon took his opponent prisoner。 Wu Lan and Lei Tong who came to Ling Baos rescue were easily beaten off; and Ling Bao was carried away。 When Wei Yan reached the Pass; Liu Bei saw Ling Bao and greatly blamed him for his base ingratitude。

〃I treated you generously and set you free; yet you repaid me with ingratitude。 I cannot forgive again。〃

So the prisoner was beheaded; and his captor was rewarded。 A banquet was given in honor of Peng Yang。

Soon after this came a letter from Zhuge Liang; by the hand of Ma Liang; who reported all calm in Jingzhou and told Liu Bei that he need feel no anxiety。 Opening the letter; Liu Bei read:

〃I have been making some astrological calculations。 This is the last year of the cycle; the bowl of the Dipper is in the western quarter; and the planet Venus approaches Luocheng。 The configuration is inimical to leaders; and the utmost caution is necessary。〃

Having read this and sent Ma Liang away; Liu Bei said; 〃I will return myself to Jingzhou and discuss the matter。〃

But Pang Tong opposed this; for he thought in his heart that Zhuge Liangs warning was due to a jealous desire to prevent him from winning the glory of conducting a victorious campaign in West River Land。

Therefore Pang Tong said; 〃I also have made calculations; and I read the signs to mean that the time is favorable for you to get possession of this land; and no evil is foreshown。 Therefore be not of doubtful heart; my lord; but advance boldly。〃

Liu Bei was won over and decided to follow Pang Tongs advice。 He ordered Huang Zhong and Wei Yan to lead。

Pang Tong asked of Fa Zheng what roads there were to follow; and the latter drew a map; which was found to agree exactly with that left by Zhang Song。

Fa Zheng said; 〃North of the mountains is a high road leading to the east gate。 South of the mountains is another path leading to the west gate。 Both these roads are suitable for the advance of an army。〃

So Pang Tong said to Liu Bei; 〃With Wei Yan to lead the way; I will go along the southern road; while you; my lord; will advance along the high road; with Huang Zhong in the van。 We will attack Luocheng at the same time。〃

Liu Bei replied; 〃I was trained as a mounted archer and am accustomed to by…roads; wherefore; O Instructor; I think you should take the high road and let me take the other。〃

〃There will be opposition on the high road; and you are the best to deal with it。 Let me take the by…road。〃

〃No; this does not suit me;〃 replied Liu Bei。 〃A spirit bearing a massive iron club appeared to me in a dream and struck my right arm; so that I suffered great pain。 I feel sure this expedition will turn out badly。〃

Pang Tong replied; 〃When a soldier goes into battle; he may be killed; or he may be wounded。 He accepts whichever is his fate。 But should one hesitate because of a dream?〃

〃The real reason of my hesitation is the letter from Zhuge Liang。 Wherefore I wish you to remain and guard River Fu Pass。 Do you agree to that?〃

Pang Tong smiled; saying; 〃Zhuge Liang has indeed filled your mind with doubts。 The real thing is that he is unwilling to let me have the merit of acplishing a great undertaking alone。 That is why he has written this。 And your doubts and hesitations have produced the dream。 But I see nothing ill…omened; and I am prepared for any sacrifice and mean just what I say。 Pray; my lord; say no more; but prepare to set forth。〃

So the order went forth that the morning meal was to be taken early and the army was to march at dawn。 Huang Zhong and Wei Yan were to take the lead; one along each road。 These two set out first; and in due time Liu Bei and Pang Tong mounted and followed。 Suddenly Pang Tongs horse shied and stumbled; throwing him off。

Liu Bei jumped down and seized the horse by the bridle; saying; 〃Why do you ride this wretched beast?〃

〃I have ridden him a long time; and he has never done this before;〃 was the reply。

〃A shying steed risks a persons life;〃 said Liu Bei。 〃Ride my horse; which is thoroughly trained and will never fail you。 Give me yours。〃

They exchanged horses。

〃I am deeply affected by your kindness;〃 said Pang Tong。 〃I could never repay you if I suffered death a thousand times。〃

Soon their ways diverged。 After his adviser had left; Liu Bei felt ill at ease and rode gloomily。

















