


Ma Dai replied; 〃I have long hated Yang Yi; certainly I am ready to attack him。〃

So Wei Yan broke camp and marched southward。

By the time Xiahou Ba had reached the Shu camps; they were all empty; and he hastened back with this news。

〃Then Zhuge Liang is really dead! Let us pursue;〃 said Sima Yi; much irritated at being misled。

〃Be cautious;〃 said Xiahou Ba。 〃Send an subordinate leader first。〃

〃No; I must go myself this time。〃

So Sima Yi and his two sons hastened to the Wuzhang Hills。 With shouts and waving flags; they rushed into the camps; only to find them quite deserted。

Sima Yi said to his sons; 〃You are to bring up the remaining force with all speed; whereas I will lead the vanguard。〃

Sima Yi hastened in the wake of the retreating army。 ing to some hills; he saw them in the distance and pressed on still harder。 Then suddenly a bomb exploded; a great shout broke the stillness; and the retiring army turned about and came toward him; ready for battle。 In their midst fluttered a great banner bearing the words; Prime Minister of Han; Lord of Wuxiang; Zhuge Liang 。

Sima Yi stopped; pale with fear。 Then out from the army came some score of generals of rank; and they were escorting a small carriage; in which sat Zhuge Liang as he had always appeared; in his hand the feather fan。

〃Then Zhuge Liang is still alive!〃 gasped Sima Yi。 〃And I have rashly placed myself in his power。〃

As he pulled round his horse to flee; Jiang Wei shouted; 〃Do not try to run away; O rebel! You have fallen into one of the Prime Ministers traps and had better stay!〃

The soldiers; seized with panic; fled; throwing off all their gear。 They trampled each other down; and many perished。 Their leader galloped fifteen miles without pulling rein。 When at last two of his generals came up with him; and had stopped his flying steed by catching at the bridle; Sima Yi clapped his hand to his head; crying; 〃Have I still a head?〃

〃Do not fear; mander; the soldiers of Shu are now far away;〃 they replied。

But he still panted with fear; and only after some time did he recognize that his two panions were Xiahou Ba and Xiahou Hui。 The three found their way by by…roads to their own camp; whence scouts were sent out in all directions。

In a few days the natives brought news: 〃The Shu army had really gone; and as soon as the retiring army entered the valley; they raised a wailing for the dead and hoisted white flags。 Zhuge Liang was really dead; and Jiang Weis rearguard consisted of only one thousand troops。 The figure in the carriage was only a wooden image of the Prime Minister。〃

〃While he lived; I could guess what he would do; dead; I was helpless!〃 said Sima Yi。

The people had a saying that 〃A dead Zhuge Liang can scare off a live Sima Yi。〃

In the depth of night a brilliant star

Fell from the northern sky;

Doubts stayed Sima Yi

When he would pursue

His dead; but fearsome enemy。

And even now the western people;

With scornful smile; will say

〃Oh; is my head on my shoulder still?

It was nearly lost today。〃

Now indeed Sima Yi knew that his rival was no more; so he retook the pursuit。 But when he reached the Red Hills; the Shu army had marched too far away。

As he took the homeward road; he said to his officers; 〃We can now sleep in fort。〃

As they marched back; they saw the camps of their enemies; and were amazed at their skillful arrangement。

〃Truly a wonderful genius!〃 sighed Sima Yi。

The armies of Wei returned to Changan。 Leaving officers to guard the various strategic points; Sima Yi himself went on to Luoyang to see the audience。

Yang Yi and Jiang Wei retired slowly and in good order till they neared the Plank Trail; when they donned mourning garb and began to wail for their dead。 The soldiers threw themselves on the ground and wailed in sorrow。 Some even wailed themselves to death。

But as the leading panies entered upon the Plank Trail; they saw a great blaze in front; and; with a great shout; a cohort came out barring the way。 The leaders of the retreating army were taken aback and sent to inform Yang Yi。

The regiments of Wei are nowhere near;

Then who are these soldiers that now appear?



赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...














