


Ding Fengs ships were all drawn up in line。 Then he said to his officers; 〃Today there is indeed a grand opportunity for a brave soldier to distinguish himself。 We shall need the utmost freedom of movement; so throw off your armor; leave your helmets; cast aside your long spears; and reject your heavy halberds。 Short swords are the weapons for today。〃

From the shore the soldiers of Wei watched the Wu marines with amusement; taking no trouble to prepare against an attack。 But suddenly a cluster of bombs exploded; and simultaneously with the roar Ding Feng sprang ashore at the head of his troops。 They dashed up the bank and made straight for the Wei camp。

The soldiers of Wei were taken pletely by surprise and were helpless。 Han Zong grasped one of the halberds that stood by the door of the manders tent; but Ding Feng stabbed him in the breast; and he rolled over。 Huan Jia went round and came up on the left。 Just as he poised his spear to thrust; Ding Feng gripped it under his arm。 Huan Jia let go and turned to flee; but Ding Feng sent his sword flying after him and caught him in the shoulder。 He turned and was thrust through by Ding Fengs spear。

The three panies of Wu marines went to and fro in the camp of Wei slaying as they would。 Hu Zun mounted a horse and fled。 His troops ran away across the floating bridge; but that gave way and many were thrown into the water and drowned。 Dead bodies lay about on the snow in large numbers。 The spoil of military gear that fell to Wu was immense。

Sima Zhao; Wang Chang; and Guanqiu Jian; seeing the Dongxing front had been broken; decided to retreat。

Zhuge Ke marched his army to Dongxing; and he made great feastings and distribution of rewards in celebration of victory。

Then he said to his leaders; 〃Sima Zhao has suffered a defeat and retreated to the north。 It is time to take the Middle Land!〃

So he told his officers that this was his intention; and also sent away letters to Shu to engage the aid of Jiang Wei; promising that the empire should be divided between them when they had taken it。

An army of two hundred thousand troops was told off to invade the Middle Land。 Just as it was starting; a stream of white vapor was seen emerging from the earth; and as it spread it gradually enveloped the whole army so that people could not see each other。

〃It is a white rainbow;〃 said Jiang Yan; 〃and it bodes ill to the army。 I advise you; O Imperial Guardian; to return and not march against Wei。〃

〃How dare you utter such ill…omened words and blunt the keenness of my army?〃 cried Zhuge Ke; angrily。

He bade the lictors take Jiang Yan out and put him to death。 But Jiang Yans colleagues interceded for him; and he was spared; but he was stripped of all rank。 Orders were issued to march quickly。

Then Ding Feng offered a suggestion; saying; 〃Wei depends on Xincheng for the defense of its passes。 It would be a severe blow to Sima Shi if Xincheng falls。〃

Zhuge Ke weled this suggestion and gave orders to march on Xincheng。 They came up and found the city gates closed; wherefore they began to besiege the city。 The mander in the city; Zhang Te; saw the legions of Wu at the walls; held a strict defense。

A hasty messenger was sent to Luoyang; and Secretary Yu Song told the Prime Minister; Sima Shi。

Yu Song said; 〃Zhuge Ke is laying siege to Xincheng。 The city should not try to repulse the attack; but simply hold out as long as possible。 When the besiegers have exhausted their provisions; they will be pelled to retire。 As they retreat; we can smite them。 However; it is necessary to provide against any invasion from Shu。〃

Accordingly Sima Zhao was sent to reinforce Guo Huai so as to keep off Jiang Wei; while Guanqiu Jian and Hu Zun kept the army of Wu at bay。

For months the army of Zhuge Ke battered at Xincheng without success。 He urged his generals to strenuous efforts; threatening to put to death anyone who was dilatory。 At last his attacks looked like succeeding; for the northeast corner of the wall seemed shaken。

Then Zhang Te; the mander of Xincheng; thought of a device。 He sent a persuasive messenger with all the register documents to Zhuge Ke。

And the messenger said; 〃It is a rule in Wei that if a city holds out against attack for a hundred days and reinforcement has not arrived; then its mander may surrender without penalty to his family。 Now Xincheng has held out for over ninety days; and my master hopes you will allow him to withstand the few days necessary to plete the hundred; when he will yield。 Here are all register documents that he desires to tender first。〃

Zhuge Ke had no doubts that the story was genuine。 He ordered the army to retreat temporarily; and the defenders enjoyed a rest。 But all Zhang Te really desired was time wherein to strengthen the weak angle of the wall。 As soon as the attacks ceased; the defenders pulled down the houses near the corner and repaired the wall with the material。

As soon as the repairs were plete; Zhang Te threw off all pretense and cried from the wall; 〃I have half a years provisions yet and will not surrender to any curs of Wu!〃

The defense became as vigorous as before the truce。 Zhuge Ke was enraged at being so tricked; and urged on the attack。 But one day one of the thousands of arrows that flew from the rampart struck him in the forehead; and he fell。 He was borne to his tent; but the wound inflamed; and he became very ill。

Their leaders illness disheartened the troops; and; moreover; the weather became very hot。 Sickness invaded the camp; so that soldiers and leaders alike wished to go home。

When Zhuge Ke had recovered sufficiently to resume mand; he urged on the attack; but the generals said; 〃The soldiers are sick and unfit for battle。〃

Zhuge Ke burst into fierce anger; and said; 〃The next person who mentions illness will be beheaded。〃

When the report of this threat got abroad; the soldiers began to desert freely。 Presently mander Cai Lin; with his whole pany; went over to the enemy。 Zhuge Ke began to be alarmed and rode through the camps to see for himself。 Surely enough; the soldiers all looked sickly; with pale and puffy faces。

The siege had to be raised; and Zhuge Ke retired into his own country。 But scouts brought the news of retreat to Guanqiu Jian who led the Weis grand army to follow and harass Zhuge Kes march and inflicted a severe defeat。



赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...














