


Sun Ce seized his hand and said; laughing; 〃If you had taken me at that fight we had near the shrine; would you have killed me?〃

〃Who can say?〃 said Taishi Ci smiling。

Sun Ce laughed also and they entered his tent; where Taishi Ci was placed in the seat of honor at a banquet。

Taishi Ci said; 〃Can you trust me so far as to let me go to muster as many as I can of the soldiers of my late master? Under the smart of this defeat they will turn against him; and they would be a great help to you。〃

〃Exactly what I most desire。 I will make an agreement with you that at midday tomorrow you will return。〃

Taishi Ci agreed and went off。 All the generals said he would never return。

〃He is trustworthy and will not break his word;〃 said the chief。

None of the officers believed he would e back。 But the next day they set up a bamboo rod in the gate of the camp; and just as the shadow marked noon Taishi Ci returned; bringing with him about a thousand troops。 Sun Ce was pleased; and his officers had to confess that he had rightly judged his man。

Sun Ce thus marched his army to the South Land; and his enemies fled or surrendered before his force。 He had now several legions and the southeast of the Great River was his。 He improved the conditions of the people and maintained order so that his adherents and supporters daily increased。 He was called Sun Ce the Bright。

When Sun Ces army approached; the people used to flee in terror; but when it had arrived and they saw that no one was permitted to loot and not the least attempt was made on their houses; they rejoiced and presented the soldiers with oxen and wine; for which they were in turn duly rewarded。 Gladness filled the country side。 The soldiers who had followed Liu Yao were kindly treated。 Those who wished to join Sun Ces army did so; those who preferred not to be soldiers were sent home with presents。 And thus Sun Ce won the respect and praise of everyone and became very powerful。

Sun Ce then settled his mother and the remainder of the family in Que; setting his brother; Sun Quan; and Zhou Tai over the city of Xuancheng。 Then he headed an expedition to the south to reduce Wujun。

'e' Wu was a state in the Spring and Autumn period。 Located southeast in the Great River Plain (the South Land)。 Became dominant in BC 506; when her army defeated Chu under the leadership of Wu Qi。 。。。。。

At that time there was a certain Yan Baihu; or the White Tiger; who styled himself King of East Wu* and ruled over Wujun。 His armies stationed at Wucheng and Jiaxing。 Hearing of Sun Ces approach; Yan Baihu sent his brother; Yan Yu; with an army against Sun Ce; and they met at Maple Bridge。

Yan Yu; sword in hand; took his stand on the bridge; and this was reported to Sun Ce; who prepared to accept the challenge。

Zhang Hong tried to dissuade him; saying; 〃For as much as my lords fate is bound up with that of the army; he should not risk a conflict with a mere robber。 I wish that you should remember your own value。〃

〃Your words; O Wise One; are as gold and precious stones; but I fear that my soldiers will not carry out my mands unless I myself share their dangers。〃

However; Sun Ce sent forth Han Dang to take up the challenge。 Just as Han Dang reached the bridge; Jiang Qin and Chen Wu; who had dropped down the river in a small boat; passed under the bridge。 Though the arrows fell in clouds on the bank; the two men rushed up and fiercely attacked Yan Yu as he stood on the bridge。 Yan Yu fled and Han Dang went in pursuit。 But Yan Yu smote up to the west gate of the city into which he entered。

Sun Ce laid siege to Wujun both by land and water。 For three days no one came out to offer battle。 Then at the head of his army; Sun Ce came to the west gate and summoned the warden。 An officer of inconsiderable rank came out and stood with one hand resting on a beam while with the other he gave point to his abuse of those below。 Quickly Taishi Cis hands sought his bow and an arrow was on the string。

〃See me hit that fellows hand;〃 said he; turning to his panions。

Even as the sound of his voice died away; the bowstring twanged; the arrow sped and lodged in the beam; firmly pinning thereto the officers hand。 Both sides; those on the wall and those below it; marveled and acclaimed at such marksmanship。

The wounded man was taken away。

When Yan Baihu the White Tiger heard of the exploit; he said; 〃How can we hope to withstand an army with such leaders as this in it?〃

And his thoughts turned toward a peace。 He sent his brother Yan Yu out to see Sun Ce; who received him civilly; invited him into the tent; and set wine before him。

〃And what does your brother propose?〃 said Sun Ce。

〃He is willing to share this region with you;〃 was the reply。

〃The rat! How dare he put himself on a level with me?〃 cried Sun Ce。

Sun Ce manded to put the messenger to death。 Yan Yu started up and drew his sword; but out flew Sun Ces blade; and the unhappy messenger fell to the ground。 His head was hacked off and sent into the city to his brother。

This had its effect。 Yan Baihu saw resistance was hopeless; so he abandoned Wujun and fled。 Sun Ce pressed the attack。 Huang Gai captured Jiaxing; and Taishi Ci took Wucheng。 Several other southern cit






