〃We all really belong to Gao Dings mand;〃 said they。
In like manner they were pardoned and refreshed with wine and food。
Then Zhuge Liang addressed them; saying; 〃Yong Kai has just sent a messenger to ask that he may surrender; and he offers to bring with him the heads of Gao Ding and Zhu Bao as a proof of merit。 But I will not receive him; and you; since you are Gao Dings soldiers; shall be released and allowed to return to him。 But let there be no ingratitude and fighting again; for if there is; I certainly will not pardon you next time。〃
So they thanked their liberator and went away。 As soon as they reached their own camp; they told the whole story。 Then Gao Ding sent a spy to the camp of Yong Kai to find out what was doing。 There the spy met those who had been released; and they were all talking about Zhuge Liangs kindness; and many of them were inclined to desert their own camp for the other。
Although this seemed very satisfactory; yet Gao Ding did not feel convinced; and he sent another man to Zhuge Liangs camp to try to verify the rumor。 But this man was captured and taken before the mander…in…Chief; who pretended that he thought the spy belonged to Yong Kai。
Zhuge Liang said to him; 〃Why has your leader failed to send me the heads of Gao Ding and Zhu Bao as he promised? You lot are not very clever; and what are you e to spy out?〃
The soldier muttered and mumbled in confusion。
But Zhuge Liang gave the man wine and food; and then wrote a letter which he handed to the spy; saying; 〃You give this letter to your mander; Yong Kai; and tell him to get the job done quickly。〃
The spy took the letter and got away。 As soon as he reached camp; he gave the letter to Gao Ding and also the message。
Gao Ding read the missive and became very angry。
〃I have ever been true to him; and yet he wants to kill me。 It is hard to be either friendly or reasonable。〃
Then he decided to take E Huan into his confidence; and called him。
E Huan was much prejudiced in favor of Zhuge Liang; and said; 〃Zhuge Liang is a most benevolent man; and it would be ill to turn our backs upon him。 It is Yong Kais fault that we are now rebels; and our best course would be to slay him and betake ourselves to Zhuge Liang。〃
〃How could it be done?〃 asked Gao Ding。
〃Invite him to a banquet。 If he refuses; it means he is a traitor; and then you can attack him in front while I will lie in wait behind his camp to capture him as he runs away。〃
They agreed to try this plan。 The banquet was prepared; and Yong Kai invited。 But as Yong Kais mind was full of suspicion from what his returned soldiers had said; he would not e。 That night; as soon as darkness fell; Gao Ding attacked his camp。
Now the soldiers who had been released were imbued with the goodness of Gao Ding all quite ready to help him fight。 On the other hand; Yong Kais troops mutinied against him; and so Yong Kai mounted his steed and fled。 Before he had gone far; he found his road blocked by the cohort under E Huan; who galloped out with his halberd and confronted the fugitive。 Yong Kai could not defend himself; and was struck down。 E Huan decapitated him。 As soon as they knew he was dead; his troops joined themselves to Gao Ding; who then went and surrendered to Zhuge Liang。
Zhuge Liang received Gao Ding sitting in state in his tent; but at once ordered the lictors to decapitate Gao Ding。
But Gao Ding said; 〃Influenced by your kindness; Sir; I have brought the head of my colleague as a proof of the sincerity of my surrender。 Why should I die?〃
〃You e with false intent。 Do you think you can hoodwink me?〃 said Zhuge Liang; laughing。
〃What proof have you that I am false?〃
Zhuge Liang drew a letter from his box; and said; 〃Zhu Bao sent this secretly to say he wished to surrender; and he said you and Yong Kai were sworn friends to death。 How could you suddenly change your feelings and slay him? That is how I know your treachery。〃
〃Zhu Bao only tried to make trouble;〃 cried Gao Ding; kneeling。
Zhuge Liang still refused to believe him; and said; 〃I cannot believe you without more solid proof。 If you would slay Zhu Bao; I could take that as proving you were sincere in your surrender。〃
〃Do not doubt me。 What if I go and capture this man?〃
〃If you did that; my doubts would be set at rest。〃
Thereupon Gao Ding and his subordinate; E Huan; led away their troops to the camp of Zhu Bao。 When they were about three miles from his camp; Zhu Bao appeared with a cohort。 As soon as they recognized each other; Zhu Bao hastily came forward to parley。
But Gao Ding cried out to him; 〃Why did you write a letter to the Prime Minister and so intrigue with him to get me killed?〃
Zhu Bao stared open mouthed and could not reply。 Then E Huan rode out from behind his chief and struck Zhu Bao with his halberd so that he fell to the ground。
Thereupon Gao Ding shouted; 〃The soldiers should either yield or be slain!〃
And they yielded in a body。
Gao Ding then went back to Zhuge Liang and offered the head of