Cao Zhen was not convinced。
〃Why do you doubt?〃 asked Sima Yi。 〃I think Zhuge Liang will certainly advance by way of the two valleys; and you and I should guard the entrances。 I give them ten days; and if they do not appear; I will e to your camp painted in the face to own my mistake。〃
〃If the army of Shu do appear; I will give you the girdle and the steed that the Emperor gave me;〃 replied Cao Zhen。
And they split their force; Cao Zhen taking up his station on the west of Qishan in the Xie Valley; and Sima Yi going to the east in the Gu Valley。
As soon as the camp was settled; Sima Yi led a cohort into hiding in the valley。 The remainder of the force was placed in detachments on the chief roads。
Sima Yi disguised himself as a soldier and went among the soldiers to get a private survey of all the camps。
In one of them he happened upon a junior officer who was plaining; saying; 〃The rain has drenched us for days; and they would not retire。 Now they have camped here for a wager。 They have no pity for us soldiers。〃
Sima Yi returned to his tent and assembled his officers。
Hauling out the grumbler; Sima Yi said to him; angrily; 〃The state feeds and trains soldiers a thousand days for one hours service。 How dare you give vent to your spleen to the detriment of discipline?〃
The man would not confess; so his rades were called to bear witness。 Still he would not own up。
〃I am not here for a wager; but to overe Shu;〃 said Sima Yi。 〃Now you all have done well and are going home; but only this fellow plains and is guilty of mutinous conduct。〃
Sima Yi ordered the lictors to put him to death; and in a short time they produced his head。
The others were terrified; but Sima Yi said; 〃All you must do your utmost to guard against the enemy。 When you hear a bomb explode; rush out on all sides and attack。〃
With this order they retired。
Now Wei Yan; Zhang Ni; Chen Shi; and Du Qiong; with twenty thousand troops; entered the Gu Valley。 As they were marching; Adviser Deng Zhi came。
〃I bear an order from the Prime Minister。 As you go out of the valley; beware of the enemy;〃 said Deng Zhi。
Chen Shi said; 〃Why is the Prime Minister so full of doubts? We know the soldiers of Wei have suffered severely from the rain and must hasten home。 They will not lay any ambush。 We are doing double marches and shall gain a great victory。 Why are we to delay?〃
Deng Zhi replied; 〃You know the Prime Ministers plans always succeed。 How dare you disobey his orders?〃
Chen Shi smiled; saying; 〃If he was really so resourceful; we should not have lost Jieting。〃
Wei Yan; recalling that Zhuge Liang had rejected his plan; also laughed; and said; 〃If he had listened to me and gone out through Ziwu Valley; not only Changan but Luoyang too would be ours。 Now he is bent on taking Qishan。 What is the good of it? He gave us the order to advance and now he stops us。 Truly the orders are confusing。〃
Then said Chen Shi; 〃I will tell you what I will do。 I shall take only five thousand troops; get through the Gu Valley; and camp at Qishan。 Then you will see how ashamed the Prime Minister will look。〃
Deng Zhi argued and persuaded; but to no avail: The willful leader hurried on to get out of the valley。 Deng Zhi could only return as quickly as possible and report。
Chen Shi proceeded。 He had gone a few miles when he heard a bomb; and he was in an ambush。 He tried to withdraw; but the valley was full of the enemy and he was surrounded as in an iron cask。 All his efforts to get out failed。 Then there was a shout; and Wei Yan came to the rescue。 Wei Yan saved his rade; but Chen Shis five thousand troops was reduced to about five hundred; and these wounded。 The Wei soldiers pursued; but two other divisions of Zhang Ni and Du Qiong prevented the pursuit; and finally the army of Wei retired。
Chen Shi and Wei Yan who had criticized Zhuge Liangs powers of prevision no longer doubted that he saw very clearly。 They regretted their own shortsightedness。
When Deng Zhi told his chief of the bad behavior of Chen Shi and Wei Yan; Zhuge Liang only laughed。
Said he; 〃Wei Yan has been disposed to disobey and resent。 However; I value his valor; and so I have employed him。 But he will do real harm some day。〃
Then came a messenger; who reported; 〃Chen Shi had fallen into an ambush and lost more than four thousand troops。 He has led his remained five hundred horse back to the gorge。〃
Zhuge Liang sent Deng Zhi back again to Gu Valley to console with Chen Shi and so keep him from actual mutiny。
Then Zhuge Liang called to his tent Ma Dai and Wang Ping; and said; 〃If there are any troops of Wei in the Xie Valley; you are to go across the mountains; marching by night and concealing yourselves by day; and make for the east of Qishan。 When you arrive; make a fire as a signal。〃
Next he gave orders to Ma Zheng and Zhang Ni; saying; 〃You are to follow the by…roads to the west of Qishan。 You are also to march by night and conceal by day。 Then you are to join up with Ma Dai and Wang Ping。 The four of you shall make a joint attack on Cao Zhens camp。 I shall lead the army through the valley and attack the camp in the center。〃
After the four Generals left; Guan Xing and Liao Hua also received secret orders。
The armies marched rapidly。 Not long after starting; two other detachments led by Hu Ban and Wu Yi received secret orders and left the main body。
The doubts about the ing of the Shu army made Cao Zhen careless; and he allowed his soldiers to bee slack and rest。 He only thought of getting through the allotted ten days; when he would have the laugh against his colleague。
Seven of the days had passed; when a scout reported a few odd men of Shu in the valley。 Cao Zhen sent Qin Liang with five thousand troops to reconnoiter and keep them at a distance。
Qin Liang he led his troops to the entrance of the valley。 As soon as he arrived; the enemy retired。 Qin Liang went after them; but they had disappeared。 He was perplexed and puzzled; and while trying to decide; he told the troops to dismount and rest。
But almost immediately he heard a shout; and ambushing troops appeared in front of him。 He jumped on
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...