


uchsafe a word more; and the four generals took leave and descended the hill。

〃One must have faith in such as he says;〃 said Liu Gui。

〃What is to be gained by listening to the sayings of a daft old man?〃 replied Zhang Ren。

So they continued their road to Luocheng。

When they arrived; Liu Gui said; 〃Luocheng is the throat of the road to Chengdu。 We must create a pincers defense for the city。 Two of us are to guard the ramparts while the other two are to station themselves in front of the city; where is a point of vantage sheltered by some hills。〃

Thus Deng Xiang and Ling Bao wanted to build the ramparts outside the city。 Twenty thousand troops were told off。 The two generals went to establish two camps in two stockades twenty miles away; hoping to be able to keep the foe away from the city。

The River Fu Pass being captured; Liu Bei took counsel with his adviser as to the next point to be attempted。 This was Luocheng。

The scouts reported: 〃Liu Zhang has sent four generals to the defense of that city; and two camps has been established twenty miles away to form an ox horn。〃

Then Liu Bei assembled his officers and asked who would go to attack the camps。 The veteran Huang Zhong offered himself。

〃Veteran General; take your own troops and go;〃 said Liu Bei。 〃A goodly reward shall be yours if you capture the two camps。〃

Huang Zhong thanked his lord and was just leading away his troops when suddenly up spoke a youthful leader; saying; 〃The General is too old to go on such an expedition。 I am of poor ability; but I wish to take his place。〃

The speaker was Wei Yan。

Huang Zhong replied; 〃I already have my mission。 Why should you wish to supplant me?〃

〃Because the task is beyond an old mans strength;〃 said Wei Yan。 〃The two generals in those camps we know are the best and boldest in the country。 They are strong; and; veteran as you are; I fear you will be unable to overe them。 If you fail; our lords great design will be hindered。 Therefore I ask that I may replace you; and my intent is kindly。〃

This reminder of his age angered the old man。

〃Old; am I? Dare you pete with me in the use of warlike weapons?〃 said Huang Zhong。

〃Yes; I dare。 And our lord shall be the judge。 The winner shall undertake this expedition。 Do you agree?〃

Huang Zhong ran down the steps and called to his soldiers to bring his sword。

But Liu Bei would stop this contest and said; 〃I have need of both of you in the task that lies before me。 When two tigers fight; one is sure to lose; and the loss of either of you is more than I could bear。 Be reconciled and quarrel no more。〃

〃You two must not quarrel;〃 said Pang Tong。 〃But as there are two camps to be taken and two generals to fight; take one each and let each lead his own troops。 The first to capture his camp shall be held to have rendered the greater service and to have acquired the greater merit。〃

This decision pacified them; and it was settled that Huang Zhong; the veteran; should go against Ling Bao; and Wei Yan; the younger leader; should attack Deng Xiang。

But after they had marched away; Pang Tong remended; 〃You; my lord; should follow them lest they should quarrel on the way。〃

So leaving the city of Fucheng in care of his adviser; Liu Bei also marched; taking with him Liu Feng; his adopted son; and Guan Ping; his nephew by adoption。 They took five thousand troops。

After having received the mand to take one of the camps; Huang Zhong went to his own camp and issued orders for the morning meal to be ready very early; and for everyone to be in marching order by daybreak。 When the time arrived; his army set out; taking the road through a gully to the left of the hills。

But early as Huang Zhong started; his rival had stolen a march on him。 Wei Yan had sent over the night before to find out the hour fixed for Huang Zhongs start and had arranged his own departure a watch earlier; by which he would be able to reach his objective at dawn。 After Wei Yans troops had taken their early meal; they removed the bells from the horses end put gags in their own mouths to prevent talking; and all…silently the army stole out of the camp just as the other party were eating their breakfast。 The ensigns were furled and weapons covered lest the glint of steel should betray their movement。

Thus far successful in getting the start of his rival; Wei Yan thought as he rode along what a fine score he would make if he anticipated Huang Zhong also in his attack and captured the camp of Ling Bao before Huang Zhong could get there。 Wei Yan at once deviated from his own line and marched toward the camp defended by Ling Bao; of which the capture had been assigned to Huang Zhong。

Just before arrival; Wei Yan halted his troops and bade them prepare the drums and ensigns and their weapons。

Early as it was; yet the camp mander was on the alert; for the advancing force had been observed by his scouts。 At the first sign of attack; the defenders poured out in full force。 Wei Yan galloped up and made straight for Ling Bao。 These two fought twenty or so of bouts; and then the troops of West River Land came up and joined in the battle。 The troops of Jingzhou under Wei Yan having marched a long distance; were fatigued and could not withstand this onslaught; so they fell back。 Wei Yan heard the confused sound of hoofs behind him and; giving up all thought of finishing his encounter with Ling Bao; turned his horse and fled。 The troops of West River Land kept up the pursuit; and the attackers were defeated and retired。

They had gone about two miles when another army of Yizhou appeared from behind some hills。 They advanced with heating drums。 Their leader; Deng Xiang; shouted to Wei Yan to surrender; but Wei Yan heeded him not; whipping up his steed he fled the faster。 However; the tired horse tripped and fell on its knees; throwing its rider to the ground。 Deng Xiangs forces came galloping up; and he himself set his spear to thrust and slay Wei Yan。 Before the spear could get where it was supposed to be; twang! went a bowstring; and Deng Xiang lay prone upon the earth。

Ling Bao; Deng Xiangs colleague; rode up quickly to his rescue; but just then a body of horse came dashing down the hill; and their leader shouted; 〃General Huang Zhong is here!〃









赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...








