


Cao Cao smiled。 〃I have served the Hans for many years。 Even if I have acquired some merit; yet I have been rewarded with a princedom and high rank。 I dare not aspire to greater things。 If the finger of heaven points to me; then shall I be as King Wen of Zhou*。〃

〃As Sun Quan acknowledges himself your servant and promises obedience; you; my lord; can confer a title upon him and assign to him the duty of attacking Liu Bei;〃 said Sima Yi。

Approving of the suggestion; Cao Cao gave Sun Quan the titles of General of the Flying Cavalry and Lord of Nanzhang; and appointed him to the Imperial Protectorship of Jingzhou。 Forthwith this mand was sent away to Sun Quan。

Cao Caos condition grew worse daily。 One night he had a dream of three horses feeding out of the same manger。

Next day he told it to Jia Xu; saying; 〃I saw three horses feeding on the same manger before the family of Ma Teng was harmed。 Last night I saw the same dream again。 How do you interpret it?〃

〃The horses were feeding on bounty: It is auspicious to dream of dignity;〃 replied Jia Xu。 〃And naturally such an honor es to the Caos。 I do not think you need feel any misgivings。〃

Cao Cao was forted。

Cao Cao dreamed three steeds together fed;

The vision seers could not explain;

None guessed how soon; when Cao Cao was dead;

One dynasty would rule again。

Ah; yes; Cao Cao had vainly wrought;

Of none avail each wicked wile;

For; later; in Wei court; there fought

Against him one with equal guile。

That night Cao Cao became worse。 As he lay on his couch he felt dizzy and could not see; so he rose and sat by a table; upon which he leaned。 It seemed to him that someone shrieked; and; peering into the darkness; he perceived the forms of many of his victims………the Empress Fu; the Consort Dong; Fu Wan; Dong Cheng; and more than twenty other officials………; and all were bloodstained。 They stood in the obscurity and whispered; demanding his life。 He rose; lifted his sword and threw it wildly into the air。 Just then there was a loud crash; and the southwest corner of the new building came down。 And Cao Cao fell with it。 His attendants raised him and bore him to another palace; where he might lie at peace。

But he found no peace。 The next night was disturbed by the ceaseless wailing of men and womens voices。

When day dawned; Cao Cao sent for his officers; and said to them; 〃Thirty years have I spent in the turmoil of war and have always refused belief in the supernatural。 But what does all this mean?〃

〃O Prince; you should summon the Taoists to offer sacrifices and prayers;〃 said they。

Cao Cao sighed; saying; 〃The Wise Teacher said; He who offends against heaven has no one to pray to。 I feel that my fate is acplished; my days have run; and there is no help。〃

But he would not consent to call in the priests。 Next day his symptoms were worse。 He was panting and could no longer see distinctly。 He sent hastily for Xiahou Dun; who came at once。 But as Xiahou Dun drew near the doors; he too saw the shadowy forms of the slain Empress and her children and many other victims of Cao Caos cruelty。 He was overe with fear and fell to the ground。 The servants raised him and led him away; very ill。

Then Cao Cao called in four of his trusty advisers………Cao Hong; Chen Qun; Jia Xu; and Sima Yi………that they might hear his last wishes。

Cao Hong; speaking for the four; said; 〃Take good care of your precious self; O Prince; that you may quickly recover。〃

But Cao Cao said; 〃Thirty and more years have I gone up and down; and many bold leaders have fallen before me。 The only ones that remain are Sun Quan in the south and Liu Bei in the west。 I have not yet slain them。 Now I am very ill; and I shall never again stand before you; wherefore my family affairs must be settled。 My first born………Cao Ang; son of Lady Liu………fell in battle at Wancheng; when he was young。 The Lady Bian bore four sons to me; as you know。 The third; Cao Zhi; was my favorite; but he was vain and unreliable; fond of wine and lax in morals。 Therefore he is not my heir。 My second son; Cao Zhang; is valiant; but imprudent。 The fourth; Cao Xiong; is a weakly and may not live long。 My eldest; Cao Pi; is steady and serious; he is fit to succeed me; and I look to you to support him。〃

Cao Hong and the others wept as they heard these words; and they left the chamber。 Then Cao Cao bade his servants bring all of the rare incenses and fragrances that he burned every day; and he handed out to his handmaids。

'e' Kevin; a reader: 〃Cao Cao has been portrayed as an evil character because usually in a novel; you need a good guy and a bad guy。 Liu Bei is of course the good guy and Cao Cao is the bad guy in this case。 But in reality; that was not the case。 Cao Cao was one of the smartest humans ever to be born in China………not smart like Zhuge Liang; but in a different way。 Cao Cao was amazing in everything。 No wonder he controlled the biggest area。 No wonder he had so many followers。 Yes; he seems to be very cold hearted at times; but if you meet any successful people; they know when to separate their business from peronal matters。 Remember; this is only a novel even though it is very based on the real story; but do not forget that there are lots of embellishments。〃 。。。。。

And he said to them; 〃After my death you must diligently attend to your womanly labors。 You can make silken shoes for sale; and so earn your own living。〃

He also bade them go on living in the Bronze Bird Pavilion and celebrate a daily sacrifice for him; with music by the singing women; and presentation of the eatables laid before his tablet。

Next he manded that seventy…two sites for a tomb should be selected near Jiangwu; that no one should know his actual burying place; lest his remains should be dug up。

And when these final orders had been given; he sighed a few times; shed some tears; and died。 He was sixty…six; and passed away in the first month of the twenty…fifth year of Rebuilt Tranquillity Era (AD 220)。*

A certain poet posed 〃A Song of Yejun〃 expressing sympathy for Cao Cao; which is given here:


















赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...

