


His wife was merry with wine and did not object。 So their lives were spared。

The defeated soldiers returned to their camp。 Zhuge Liang took steps to retrieve the mishap by sending for Ma Dai; Zhao Yun; and Wei Yan; to each of whom he gave special and private orders。

Next day the Mang soldiers reported to the King that Zhao Yun was offering a challenge。 Lady Zhurong forthwith mounted and rode out to battle。 She engaged Zhao Yun; who soon fled。 The lady was too prudent to risk pursuit; and rode home。 Then Wei Yan repeated the challenge; and he also fled as if defeated。 But again the lady declined to pursue。 Next day Zhao Yun repeated his challenge and ran away as before。 Lady Zhurong signaled no pursuit。 But at this Wei Yan rode up and opened a volley of abuse and obloquy。 This proved too much; and she gave the signal to go after him and led the way。 Wei Yan increased his pace; and the lady mander doubled hers; and she and her followers pressed into a narrow road along a valley。 Suddenly behind her was heard a noise; and Wei Yan; turning his head; saw the lady tumble out of her saddle。

She had rushed into an ambush prepared by Ma Dai: Her horse had been tripped up by ropes。 She was captured; bound; and carried off to the Shu camp。 Some of her people endeavored to rescue her; but they were driven off。

Zhuge Liang seated himself in his tent to see his prisoner; and Lady Zhurong was led up。 He bade them remove her bonds; and she was conducted to another tent; where wine was laid before her。 Then a message was sent to Meng Huo to say that she would be exchanged for the two captive leaders。

The King agreed; and Ma Zheng and Zhang Ni were set free。 As soon as they arrived; the lady was escorted by Zhuge Liang himself to the mouth of the ravine; where Meng Huo weled her both gladly and angrily。

Then they told Meng Huo of the ing of the King of the Bana Ravine; and he went out to meet Mu Lu。 Mu Lu rode up on his white elephant; dressed in silks; and with many gold and pearl ornaments。 He wore a double sword at his belt; and he was followed by the motley pack of fighting animals that he fed; gamboling and dancing about him。

Meng Huo made him a low obeisance and then poured out his tale of woes。 Mu Lu promised to avenge his wrongs and was led off to a banquet which had been prepared。

Next day the deliverer went out to battle; with his pack of wild creatures in his train。 Zhao Yun and his colleague Wei Yan quickly made their array of footmen and then took their station in front side by side and studied their opponents。 The Mang banners and weapons were all extraordinary。 Most of the warriors wore no armor and none wore any clothing。 Their faces were sunburned。 They carried four sharp pointed knives in their belts。 Signals were not given by drum or trumpet; but by a gong。

King Mu Lu had two swords in his belt and carried a hand bell。 He urged his white elephant forward and emerged from between his flags。

〃We have spent all our life in the battlefields; but we have never seen the like of this before;〃 said Zhao Yun。

As they talked to one another; they noticed that the opposing leader was mumbling something that might be a spell or a curse; and from time to time he rang his bell。 Then suddenly the wind got up; stones began to roll and sand to fly; and there was a sound as of a heavy shower of rain。 Next a horn rang out; and thereupon the tigers and the leopards; and the wolves and the serpents; and all the other wild beasts came down on the wind snapping and clawing。 How could the soldiers of Shu stand such a thing as that? So they retreated; and the Mangs came after them fiercely; chasing and slaying their enemies as far as the city of Three Rivers。

Zhao Yun and Wei Yan mustered their defeated troops and went to their leader to confess their failure。 Zhuge Liang; however; was neither angry nor dejected。

〃The fault is not yours;〃 he said。 〃Long ago; when I was still in my rustic hut; I knew the Mangs possessed certain powers over beasts; and I provided against this adventure before we left Shu。 You will find twenty big sealed carts in the baggage train。 We will use half of them now。〃

He bade his staff bring forward ten of the red box…carts; the other ten black carts were left untouched。 They all wondered what would happen。 Then the carts were opened; and they turned out to be carved and colored models of huge wild beasts; with coats of worsted; teeth and claws of steel; each could acmodate ten people。 Choosing one hundred beasts; he told off a thousand troops and bade them stuff the mouths of the beasts full of inflammables。

Next day the army of Shu marched out to the attack and were arrayed at the entrance to the Silver Pit Ravine。 The Mang soldiers went into the ravine and told their king。 Mu Lu; thinking himself perfectly invincible; did not hesitate; but marched out; taking Meng Huo with him。 Zhuge Liang; dressed in the simple robe of a Taoist; went out in his light chariot。 In his hand he held a feather fan。 Meng Huo; who recognized his enemy; pointed him out to Mu Lu。

〃That is Zhuge Liang in that small chariot。 If we can only capture him; our task is done。〃

Then Mu Lu began to mutter his spells and to ring his bell。 As before; the wind got up and blew with violence; and the wild beasts came on。

But at a wave of the simple feather fan; lo! the wind turned and blew the other way。 Then from out of the host of Shu there burst the horrible wild beasts。 The real wild beasts of the Mang saw rushing down upon them huge creatures; whose mouths vomited flames and whose nostrils breathed out black smoke。 They came along with jingling bells; snapping and clawing; and the real beasts turned tail and fled in among the host of their own side; trampling them down as they sped。 Zhuge Liang gave the signal for a general onset; and his troops rushed forward with beating drums and blaring trumpets。 Mu Lu was killed in the melee。 Meng Huos whole clan fled in panic and tore up among the hills out of the way。 And thus the Silver Pit Ravine was taken。

Next day; as Zhuge Liang was telling off parties to search for and capture the King; it was announced that the brother…in…law of Meng Huo; Chief Dai Lai; having vainly tried to persuade the King to yield; had made prisoners of him and his wife and all his clan and were bringing them to Zhuge Liang。

Hearing this; Zhang Ni and Ma Zheng were called and received certain orders; upon which they hid themselves in the wings of the tent with a large body of sturdy warriors。 This done; Zhuge Liang ordered the keepers to open the gates; and in came Chief Dai Lai with Meng Huo and his people in custody。

As Dai Lai bowed at the entrance of the hall; Zhuge Liang called out; 〃Let my strong captors appear!〃


















赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...

