


Said he; 〃After this disgrace; how can I face the other officers in the Middle Land?〃

He gave the signal for the army to fall on and attack the enemy; and; grasping his sword; led his brave generals into the fray and manded the attack。 But just as the two armies came to blows; Guan Xing came up fromt the southwest; his drums rolling and troops shouting; and attacked。 Sima Yi told off a division from the rear to oppose Guan Xing; and again turned to urge on his main body。

Then the army of Wei was thrown into confusion by another attack from Jiang Wei; who came up silently and joined in the battle。 Thus three sides of the Wei army were attacked by three different divisions of the enemy; and Sima Yi decided to retire。 However; this was difficult。 The soldiers of Shu hemmed him in and came closer every moment。 At last; by a desperate push; he cut an alley toward the south and freed his army。 But he had lost six or seven out of every ten of his soldiers。

The Wei army withdrew to the south bank of River Wei and camped。 They strengthened their position and remained entirely on the defensive。

Zhuge Liang mustered his victorious army and returned to Qishan。

Now Li Yan sent an officer; General Gou An; from Baidicheng with a convoy of grain。 Gou An was a drunkard and loitered on the road so that he arrived ten days late。

Zhuge Liang; angry at the delay; upbraided him; saying; 〃This grain is of the utmost importance to the army and you delay it。 Three days delay ought to mean the death penalty。 What can you say to this delay of ten?〃

Gou An was sentenced to death and hustled out。

But Yang Yi ventured to intervene; saying; 〃Gou An is a servant of Li Yan; and Li Yan has sent large supplies of all sorts from the West River Land。 The road is long and difficult。 If you put this man to death; perhaps others will not undertake transport duty。〃

Zhuge Liang then bade the executioners loose the offender; give him eighty blows; and let him go。

This punishment filled Gou Ans heart with bitter resentment; and; in the night; he deserted to the enemy; he and his half dozen personal staff。 He was taken before Sima Yi and told the tale of his wrongs。

〃Your tale may be true; but it is hard to trust it;〃 said Sima Yi。 〃Zhuge Liang is full of guile。 However; you may render me a service; and if you do; I will ask the Ruler of Wei that you may be allowed to serve him and obtain a post for you。〃

〃Whatever you ask; I will do the best I can;〃 replied the deserter。

〃Then go to Chengdu and spread a lying report that Zhuge Liang is angry with the powers there and means to make himself emperor。 This will get him recalled; and that will be a merit to you。〃

Gou An accepted the treacherous mission。 In Chengdu he got hold of the eunuchs; and told them his lying tale that the Prime Minister was too proud of his services and was about to use his sweeping powers to usurp the Throne。

The eunuchs became alarmed for their own safety and told the Emperor all these things。

〃In such a case what am I to do?〃 asked the Latter Ruler。

〃Recall him to the capital;〃 said the eunuchs; 〃and take away his military powers so that he cannot rebel。〃

The Latter Ruler issued an edict recalling the army。

But Jiang Wan stepped forward and said; 〃The Prime Minister has rendered many great services since he led out the army。 Wherefore is he recalled?〃

〃I have a private matter to consult him about;〃 said the Latter Ruler。 〃I must see him personally。〃

So the edict was issued and sent to Zhuge Liang。 The messenger was at once received as soon as he reached Qishan。

〃The Emperor is young; and there is some jealous persons by his side;〃 said Zhuge Liang sadly。 〃I was just going to achieve some solid success。 Why am I recalled? If I go not; I shall insult my Prince。 If I retire; I shall never get such a chance again。〃

〃If the army retire; Sima Yi will attack;〃 said Jiang Wei。

〃I will retire in five divisions。 Thus today this camp goes。 Supposing that there are a thousand soldiers in the camp; then I shall have two thousand cooking places prepared; or if there are three thousand soldiers; then four thousand cooking plates shall be got ready; and so on; increasing the cooking arrangements as the troops are sent away。〃

'e' Sun Bin military strategist; a descendant of Sun Zi。 Sun Bin served as military counselor during the Warring States period in Qi。 He wrote a treatise named The Art of War of Sun Bin。 。。。。。

Yang Yi said; 〃In the days of old; when Sun Bin* was attacking Pang Juan; Sun Bin decreased the cooking arrangements as the soldiers were increased。 Why do you reverse this; O Prime Minister?〃

〃Because Sima Yi is an able leader and would pursue if he knew we were retreating。 But he would recognize the probability of an ambush; and if he sees an increase in the cooking arrangements in a camp; he will be unable to conclude whether the troops have gone or not; and he will not pursue。 Thus I shall gradually withdraw without loss。〃

The order for retreat was given。

Confident of the effect that Gou Ans lying report would produce; Sima Yi waited for the retreat of the Shu army to begin。 He was still waiting when the scouts told him the enemys camps were empty。 Wishing to make sure; he rode out himself with a small reconnoitering party and inspected the empty camps。 Then he bade them count the stoves。 Next day he paid a second visit to another empty camp; and again the cooking stoves were counted。 The count showed an increase of a half。

〃I felt sure that Zhuge Liang would have more troops ready。 He has increased the cooking arrangements; and so; if we pursue; he will be ready for us。 No; we also will retire and await another opportunity。〃

So there was no pursuit; and Zhuge Liang did not lose a soldier on his retreat to Hanzhong。

By and by; people came in from the River Lands to say that the retreat was a fact; and that only the cooking arrangements had been increased; not the soldiers。

Sima Yi knew that he had been tricked; and looking up the sky; he sighed; 〃Zhuge Liang imitated the ruse of Sun Bin to rouse my suspicion。 His thinking is superior to mine。〃

And Sima Yi set out for Changan。


















赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...

