h for which he was severely punished。 Feng Li resented this; sneaked out of the city; went over to the besiegers; and told them how the place could be attacked。
〃The earth within the Pearly Gate is solid enough to be tunneled; and entrance can be effected there;〃 said the traitor。
So Feng Li was sent with three hundred men to carry out his plan under cover of darkness。
After Feng Li had deserted to the enemy; Shen Pei went every night to the wall to inspect the soldiers on duty。 The night of the sapping he went there as usual and saw that there were no lights outside the city and all was perfectly quiet。
So he said to himself; 〃Feng Li is certain to try to e into the city by an underground road。〃
Whereupon he ordered his troops to bring up stones and pile them on the cover of the tunnel opening。 The opening was stopped up and the attacking party perished in the tunnel they had excavated。
Cao Cao having failed in this attempt abandoned the scheme of underground attack。 He drew off the army to a place above the River Huan to await till Yuan Shang should return to relieve the city。
Yuan Shang heard of the defeat of Yin Kai and Ju Gu; and the siege of his own city; and bethought himself of relieving it。
One of his manders; Ma Yan; said; 〃The high road will surely be ambushed。 We must find some other way。 We can take a by…road from the West Hills and get through by River Fu; whence we can fall upon Cao Caos camp。〃
The plan was acceptable and Yuan Shang started off with the main body; Ma Yan and Zhang Zi being rear guard。
Cao Caos spies soon found out this move; and when they reported it; he said; 〃If Yuan Shang es by the high road; I shall have to keep out of the way; but if by the West Hills by…road; I can settle him in one battle。 And I think he will show a blaze as a signal to the besieged that they may make a sortie。 I shall prepare to attack both。〃
So Cao Cao made his preparations。 Now Yuan Shang went out by River Fu east toward Yangping; and near this he camped。 Thence to Yejun was five miles。 River Fu ran beside the camp。 He ordered his soldiers to collect firewood and grass ready for the blaze he intended to make at night as his signal。 He also sent Li Mu; a civil officer; disguised as an officer of Cao Caos army; to inform Shen Pei of his intentions。
Li Mu reached the city wall safely and called out to the guards to open。 Shen Pei recognized his voice and let him in。 Thus Shen Pei knew of the arrangements for his relief; and it was agreed that a blaze should be raised within the city so that the sortie could be simultaneous with Yuan Shangs attack。 Orders were given to collect inflammables。
Then said Li Mu; 〃As your food supply is short; it would be well for the old people; the feeble soldiers and the women to surrender。 This will e upon them as a surprise; and we will send the soldiers out behind them。〃
Shen Pei promised to do all this; and next day they hoisted on the wall a white flag with the words The populace of Jizhou surrender! on it。
〃Ho ho! This means no food;〃 said Cao Cao。 〃They are sending away the non…batants to escape feeding them。 And the soldiers will follow behind them。〃
Cao Cao bade Zhang Liao and Xu Huang laid an ambush of three thousand troops on both sides while he went near the wall in full state。 Presently the gates were opened and out came the people supporting their aged folks and leading their little ones by the hand。 Each carried a white flag。 As soon as the people had passed the gate; the soldiers followed with a rush。
Then Cao Cao showed a red flag; and the ambushing soldiers led by Zhang Liao and Xu Huang fell upon the sortie。 The troops tried to return and Cao Caos force made a direct attack。 The chase continued to the drawbridge; but there Cao Caos force met with a tremendous shower of arrows and crossbow bolts which checked the advance。 Cao Caos helmet was struck and the crest carried away。 His leaders came to pull him back; and the army retired。
As soon as Cao Cao had changed his dress and mounted a fresh horse; he set out at the head of the army to attack Yuan Shangs camp。
Yuan Shang led the defense。 The attack came simultaneously from many directions。 The defenders were quite disorganized and presently defeated。 Yuan Shang led his troops back by the West Hills and made a camp under their shelter。 Thence he sent messengers to urge Ma Yan and Zhang Zi to bring up the supports。 He did not know that Cao Cao had sent Lu Xiang and Lu Kuang to persuade these two into surrender and that they had already passed under Cao Caos banner; and he had conferred upon them the title of lordship。
Just before going to attack the West Hills; Cao Cao sent Lu Xiang; Lu Kuang; Ma Yan; and Zhang Zi to seize the source of Yuan Shangs supplies。
Yuan Shang had realized he could not hold the hills; so he went by night to Lankou。 Before he could get camped; he saw flaring lights springing up all around him and soon an attack began。 He was taken aback and had to oppose the enemy with his men half armed; his steeds unsaddled。 His army suffered; and he had to retreat another fifteen miles。 By that time his force was too enfeebled to show any resistance; and as no other course was possible; he sent the Imperial Protector of Yuzhou; Yin Ku; to Cao Caos camp and ask that he might surrender。
Cao Cao feigned to consent; but that night he sent Zhang Liao and Xu Huang to raid Yuan Shangs camp。 Then it became flight; abandoning everything; seals; emblems of office; and even personal clothing。 Yuan Shang made for the Zhongshan Mountains。
Then Cao Cao came to attack Jizhou City; and to help out this Xun You suggested drowning the city by turning the course of the River Zhang。 Cao Cao adopted the suggestion and at once sent a small number of men to dig a channel to lead the water to the city。 All told; it was seventeen miles。
Shen Pei saw the diggers from the city wall and noticed that they made only a shallow channel。
He chuckled; saying to himself; 〃What is the use of such a channel to drown out the city from a deep river?〃
So he made no preparations to keep out the water。
But as soon as night came on; Cao Cao increased his army of diggers tenfold and by daylight the channel was deepened to twenty spans and the water was flowing in a great stream into the city where it already stood some spans deep。 So this misfortune was added to the lack of food。
Xin Pi now displayed the captured seal and garments of Yuan Shang hung out on spears; to the great shame of their late owner; and called upon the people of the city to surrender。 This angered Shen Pei; who avenged the insult by putting to death on the city wall the whole of the Xin family who were within the city。 There were eighty of them; and their severed heads were cast down from the walls。 Xin Pi wept exceedingly。
Shen Peis nephew Shen Rong; one of the gate wardens; was a dear friend of Xin Pi; and the murder of Xin Pis family greatly distressed him。 He wrote a secret letter offering to betray the city and tied it to an arrow; which he shot out among the besiegers。 The soldiers found it; gave it to Xin Pi who took it to his chief。
Cao Cao issued an order: 〃The family of the Yuans should be spared when the city should be taken and that no one who surrendered should be put to death。〃
The next day the soldiers entered by the west gate; opened for them by Shen Rong。 Xin Pi was the first to prance in on horseback and the army followed。
When Shen Pei; who was on the southeast of the city; saw the enemy within the gates; he placed himself at the head of some horsemen and dashed toward them。 He was met and captured by Xu Huang who bound him and led him outside the city。
On the road they met Xin Pi; who ground his teeth with rage at the murderer of his relatives and then struck the prisoner over the head with his whip; crying; 〃Murder! Blood drinker! You will meet your death!〃
Shen Pei retorted; 〃Traitor! Seller of the city! I am very sorry I was not to have slain you before。〃
When the captive was taken into Cao Caos presence; Cao Cao said; 〃Do you know who opened the gate to let me in?〃
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...