


Sun Yis wife; Lady Xu; was skilled in divination; and on the day of the great banquet she cast a most inauspicious lot。 Wherefore she besought her husband to stay away from the assembly。 But he was obstinate and went。 The faithless guardsman followed his master in the dusk when the gathering dispersed; and stabbed him with a dagger。

The two prime movers at once seized Bian Hong and beheaded him in the market place。 Then they went to Sun Yis residence; which they plundered。

Gui Lan was taken with the beauty of the dead Governors wife and told her; 〃I had avenged the death of your husband; and you must go with me。〃

Lady Xu pleaded; saying; 〃It is too soon after my husbands death to think of remarriage。 But as soon as the thirty…day mourning sacrifices are over; I will be yours。〃

She thus obtained a respite; which she utilized to send for two old generals of her husband; Sun Gao and Fu Ying。 They came and she tearfully told her tale。

〃My husband had great faith in you。 Now Gui Lan and Dai Yuan have passed his death and have laid the crime on Bian Hong。 They have plundered my house and carried off my servants。 Worse than this; Gui Lan insists that I shall be his wife。 To gain time I have pretended to favor this proposal; and I pray you now send the news to my husbands brother and beg him to slay these two miscreants and avenge this wrong。 I will never forget your kindness in this life or the next。〃

And she bowed before them。

They wept also and said; 〃We were much attached to our master; and now that he has e to an untimely end; we must avenge him。 Dare we not carry out your behests?〃

So they sent a trusty messenger to Sun Quan。

On the day of the sacrifices Lady Xu called in her two friends and hid them in a secret chamber。 Then the ceremonies were performed in the great hall。 These over; she put off her mourning garb; bathed and perfumed herself; and assumed an expression of joy。 She laughed and talked as usual; so that Gui Lan rejoiced in his heart; thinking of the pleasure that was to be his。

When night came she sent a servant girl to call her suitor to the palace; where she entertained him at supper。 When he had well drunk; she suggested that they should retire and led him to the chamber where her friends were waiting。 He followed without the least hesitation。

As soon as she entered the room; she called out; 〃Where are you; Generals?〃

Out rushed Sun Gao and Fu Ying; and the drunken Gui Lan; incapable of any resistance; was dispatched with daggers。

Next Lady Xu invited Dai Yuan to a supper; and he was slain in similar fashion。 After that; she sent to the houses of her enemies and slew all therein。 This done; she resumed her mourning garb; and the heads of the two men were hung as a sacrifice before the coffin of her husband。

Very soon her brother…in…law came with an army; and hearing the story of the deeds of the two generals from the widow; gave them the manderships and put them over Dangyang。 When Sun Quan left; he took the widow to his own home so that she would be cared for。 All those who heard of her brave conduct were loud in praise of her virtue:

Full of resource and virtuous; few in the world are like her;

Guilefully wrought she and passed the death of the lusty assassins;

Faithful servants are always ready to deal with rebellion;

None can ever excel that heroine famous in Wu。

The brigandage that had troubled the South Land had all been suppressed; and a large fleet of seven thousand battleships was in the Great River ready for service。 Sun Quan appointed Zhou Yu to be the Supreme Admiral and mander…in…Chief over all military forces。

In the twelfth year (AD 207); the Dowager Wu; feeling her end approaching; called to her the two advisers Zhou Yu and Zhang Zhao and spoke thus: 〃I came of a family of the old Wu; but losing my parents in early life。 My brother Wu Jing and I went into the old Yue; and then I married into this family。 I bore my husband four sons; not without premonitions of the greatness to be theirs。 With my first; Sun Ce; I dreamed of the moon and with my second; Sun Quan; of the sun; which omens were interpreted by the soothsayer as signs of their great honor。 Unhappy Sun Ce died young; but Sun Quan inherited; and it is he whom I pray you both assist with one accord。 Then may I die in peace。〃

And to her son she said; 〃These two you are to serve as they were your teachers and treat them with all respect。 My younger sister and I both were wives to your father; and so she is also a mother to you; and you are to serve her after I am gone as you now serve me。 And you must treat your sister with affection and find a handsome husband for her。〃

Then she died and her son mourned for her that year。

The following year; they began to discuss an attack upon Huang Zu。

Zhang Zhao said; 〃The armies should not move during the period of mourning。〃

However; Zhou Yu; more to the point; said; 〃Vengeance should not be postponed on that account。 It could not wait upon times and seasons。〃

Still Sun Quan halted between two opinions and would not decide。

Then came mander Lu Meng who said to his master; 〃While I was at Dragon


















赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...