


Han Dang and Zhou Tai sailed out each with a small squadron of five ships in line。

The two braggarts from the north; Jiao Chu and Zhang Neng; really only trusted to their boldness and luck。 Their ships came down under the powerful strokes of the oars。 As they neared; the two leaders put on their heart…protectors; gripped their spears; and each took his station in the prow of the leading ship of his division。 Jiao Chus ship led and as soon as he came near enough; his troops began to shoot at Han Dang; who fended off the arrows with his buckler。 Jiao Chu twirled his long spear as he engaged his opponent。 But; at the first thrust; he was killed。

His rade Zhang Neng with the other ships was ing up with great shouts; when Zhou Tai sailed up at an angle; and these two squadrons began shooting arrows at each other in clouds。 Zhou Tai fended off the arrows with his shield and stood gripping his sword firmly till his ships came within a few spans of the enemys ships; when he leaped across and cut down Zhang Neng。 Zhang Nengs dead body fell into the water。 Then the battle became confused; and the attacking ships rowed hard to get away。 The southerners pursued but soon came in sight of Wen Pings supporting fleet。 Once more the ships engaged and the forces fought with each other。

Zhou Yu with his officers stood on the summit of a mountain and watched his own and the enemy ships out on the river。 The flags and the ensigns were all in perfect order。 Then he saw Wen Ping and his own fleets engaged in battle; and soon it was evident that the former was not a match for his own sailors。 Wen Ping turned about to retire; Han Dang and Zhou Tai pursued。 Zhou Yu fearing lest his sailors should go too far; then hoisted the white flag of recall。

To his officers Zhou Yu said; 〃The masts of the northern ships stand thick as reeds。 Cao Cao himself is full of wiles。 How can we destroy him?〃

No one replied; for just then the great yellow flag that flapped in the breeze in the middle of Cao Caos fleet suddenly fell over into the river。

Zhou Yu laughed。

〃That is a bad omen;〃 said he。

Then an extra violent blast of wind came by; and the waves rose high and beat upon the bank。 A corner of his own flag flicked Zhou Yu on the cheek; and suddenly a thought flashed through his mind。 Zhou Yu uttered a loud cry; staggered; and fell backward。 They picked him up。 There was blood upon his lips; and he was unconscious。 Presently; however; he revived。

And once he laughed; then gave a cry;

This is hard to ensure a victory。

Zhou Yus fate will appear as the story unfolds。

Main Next to Chapter 49 》》

Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 49

Chapter 49

On Seven…Star Altar; Zhuge Liang Sacrifices To The Winds;

At Three Gorges; Zhou Yu Liberates The Fire。

In the last chapter Zhou Yu was seized with sudden illness as he watched the fleets of his enemy。 He was borne to his tent; and his officers came in multitudes to inquire after him。

They looked at each other; saying; 〃What a pity our general should be taken ill; when Cao Caos legions threaten so terribly! What would happen if Cao Cao attacked?〃

Messengers with the evil tidings were sent to Sun Quan; while the physicians did their best for the invalid。 Lu Su was particularly sad at the illness of his patron and went to see Zhuge Liang to talk it over。

〃What do you make of it?〃 said Zhuge Liang。

〃Good luck for Cao Cao; bad for us;〃 said Lu Su。

〃I could cure him;〃 said Zhuge Liang laughing。

〃If you could; Wu would be very fortunate;〃 said Lu Su。

Lu Su prayed Zhuge Liang to go to see the sick man。 They went; and Lu Su entered first。 Zhou Yu lay in bed; his head covered by a quilt。

〃How are you; General?〃 said Lu Su。

〃My heart pains me。 Every



赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...














