〃All right;〃 Harry said。 〃Its an American spacecraft。〃
〃An American spacecraft? Half a mile long? Made with technology we dont have yet? And buried for three hundred years?〃
〃Of course;〃 Harry said。 〃Its been obvious from the start。 Right; Captain Barnes?〃
〃We had considered it;〃 Barnes admitted。 〃The President had considered it。〃
〃Thats why you didnt inform the Russians。〃
By now Ted was pletely frustrated。 He clenched his fists; as if he wanted to hit someone。 He looked from one person to another。 〃But how did you know?〃
〃The first clue;〃 Harry said; 〃came from the condition of the craft itself。 It shows no damage whatever。 Its condition is pristine。 Yet any spacecraft that crashes in water will be damaged。 Even at low entry velocities…say two hundred miles an hour…the surface of water is as hard as concrete。 No matter how strong this craft is; you would expect some degree of damage from the impact with the water。 Yet it has no damage。〃
〃Meaning it didnt land in the water。〃
〃I dont understand。 It must have flown here…〃
〃…It didnt fly here。 It arrived here。〃
〃From where?〃
''67'' 〃From the future;〃 Harry said。 〃This is some kind of Earth craft that was…will be…made in the future; and has traveled backward in time; and appeared under our ocean; several hundred years ago。〃
〃Why would people in the future do that?〃 Ted groaned。 He was clearly unhappy to be deprived of his alien craft; his great historical moment。 He slumped in a chair and stared dully at the monitor screens。
〃I dont know why people in the future would do that;〃 Harry said。 〃Were not there yet。 Maybe it was an accident。 Unintended。〃
〃Lets go ahead and open it up;〃 Barnes said。
〃Opening; sir。〃
The robot hand moved forward; toward the 〃Open〃 button。 The hand pressed several times。 There was a clanking sound; but nothing happened。
〃Whats wrong?〃 Barnes said。
〃Sir; were not able to impact the button。 The extensor arm is too large to fit inside the panel。〃
〃Shall I try the probe?〃
〃Try the probe。〃
The claw hand moved back; and a thin needle probe extended out toward the button。 The probe slid forward; adjusted position delicately; touched the button。 It pushed…and slipped off。
〃Trying again; sir。〃
The probe again pressed the button; and again slid off。
〃Sir; the surface is too slippery。〃
〃Keep trying。〃
〃You know;〃 Ted said thoughtfully; 〃this is still a remarkable situation。 In one sense; its even more remarkable than contact with extraterrestrials。 I was already quite certain that extraterrestrial life exists in the universe。 But time travel! Frankly; as an astrophysicist I had my doubts。 From everything we know; its impossible; contradicted by the laws of physics。 And yet now we have proof that time travel is possible…and that our own species will do it in the future!〃
Ted was smiling; wide…eyed; and happy again。 You had to ''68'' admire him; Norman thought…he was so wonderfully irrepressible。
〃And here we are;〃 Ted said; 〃on the threshold of our first contact with our species from the future! Think of it! We are going to meet ourselves from some future time!〃
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...