e of us now; Norman。〃
〃You; me; and Harry?〃
〃Thats right。 You; me; and Harry。〃
Harry was sleeping peacefully on the floor between the bunks。 Norman bent down; lifted one eyelid; shone a light in Harrys pupil。 The pupil contracted。
〃This cant be heaven;〃 Harry said。
〃Why not?〃 Norman said。 He shone the light in the other pupil; it contracted。
〃Because youre here。 They dont let psychologists into heaven。〃 He gave a weak smile。
〃Can you move your toes? Your hands?〃
〃I can move everything。 I walked up here; Norman; from down in C。 Im okay。〃
Norman sat back。 〃Im glad youre okay; Harry。〃 He meant it: he had been dreading the thought of an injury to Harry。 From the beginning of the expedition; they had all relied on Harry。 At every critical juncture; he had supplied the breakthrough; the necessary understanding。 And even now; Norman took fort in the thought that; if Beth couldnt figure out the life…support systems; Harry could。
〃Yeah; Im okay。〃 He closed his eyes again; sighed。 〃Whos left?〃
〃Beth。 Me。 You。〃
〃Yeah。 You want to get up?〃
〃Yeah; Ill get in the bunk。 Im real tired; Norman。 I could sleep for a year。〃
''233'' Norman helped him to his feet。 Harry dropped quickly onto the nearest bunk。
〃Okay if I sleep for a while?〃
〃Thats good。 Im real tired; Norman。 I could sleep for a year。〃
〃Yes; you said that…〃
He broke off。 Harry was snoring。 Norman reached over to remove something crumpled on the pillow beneath Harrys head。
It was Ted Fieldings notebook。
Norman suddenly felt overwhelmed。 He sat on his bunk; holding the notebook in his hands。 Finally he looked at a couple of pages; filled with Teds large; enthusiastic scrawl。 A photograph fell onto his lap。 He turned it over。 It was a photo of a red Corvette。 And the feelings just overwhelmed him。 Norman didnt know if he was crying for Ted; or crying for himself; because it was clear to him that one by one; they were all dying down here。 He was very sad; and very afraid。
Beth was in D Cyl; at the munications console; turning on all the monitors。
〃They did a pretty good job with this place;〃 she said。 〃Everything is marked; everything has instructions; therere puter help files。 An idiot could figure it out。 Theres just one problem that I can see。〃
〃Whats that?〃
〃The galley was in E Cyl; and E Cyl is flooded。 Weve got no food; Norman。〃
〃None at all?〃
〃I dont think so。〃
〃Yes; plenty of water; but no food。〃
〃Well; we can make it without food。 How much longer have we got down here?〃
〃It looks like two more days。〃
〃We can make it;〃 Norman said; thinking: Two days; Jesus。 Two more days in this place。
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...