


He finished dressing; and went down to D Cyl; stepping over the puddles of water in the corridor。 Inside D itself; the furniture was soaked; the consoles were wet; and the walls were covered with irregular blobs of white urethane foam where Fletcher had spray…sealed the cracks。

Fletcher stood in the middle of the room; the spray can in hand。 〃Not as pretty as it was;〃 she said。

〃Will it hold?〃

〃Sure; but I guarantee you: we cant survive another one of those attacks。〃

〃What about the electronics。 They working?〃

〃I havent checked; but it should be okay。 Its all waterproofed。〃

Norman nodded。 〃Any sign of Captain Barnes?〃 He looked at the bloody handprint on the wall。

〃No; sir。 No sign of the Captain at all。〃 Fletcher followed his eyes to the wall。 〃Ill clean the place up in a minute; sir。〃

〃Wheres Tina?〃 Norman asked。

〃Resting。 In E Cyl。〃

Norman nodded。 〃E Cyl any drier than this?〃

〃Yes;〃 Fletcher said。 〃Its a funny thing。 There was ''215'' nobody in E Cyl during the attack; and it stayed pletely dry。〃

〃Any word from Jerry?〃

〃No contact; sir; no。〃

Norman flicked on one of the puter consoles。

〃Jerry; are you there?〃

The screen remained blank。


He waited a moment; then turned the console off。

Tina said; 〃look at it now。〃 She sat up; and drew the blanket back to expose her left leg。

The injury was much worse than when they had heard her screaming and had run through the habitat and pulled her up through the A Cyl hatch。 Now; running diagonally down her leg was a series of saucer…shaped welts; the center of each puffed and purple。 〃Its swollen a lot in the last hour;〃 Tina said。

Norman examined the injuries。 Fine tooth…marks ringed swollen areas。 〃Do you remember what it felt like?〃 he said。 〃It felt awful;〃 Tina said。 〃It felt sticky; you know; like sticky glue or something。 And then each one of these round places burned。 Very strong。〃

〃And what could you see? Of the creature itself。〃 〃Just…it was a long flat spatula…thing。 It looked like a giant leaf; it came out and wrapped around me。〃

〃Any color?〃

〃Sort of brownish。 I couldnt really see。〃

He paused a moment。 〃And Captain Barnes?〃

〃During the course of the action; I was separated from Captain Barnes; sir。 I dont know what happened to Captain Barnes; sir。〃 Tina spoke formally; her face a mask。 He thought; Lets not go into this now。 If you ran away; its all right with me。

〃Has Beth seen this injury; Tina?〃

〃Yes; sir; she was here a few minutes ago。〃

〃Okay。 Just rest now。〃


''216'' 〃Yes; Tina?〃









赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...








