〃Because; if what you are saying is true; then Harry is a very dangerous man。〃
〃Just the fact that he is walking around; fully conscious; makes him dangerous。〃
〃What are we going to do about him?〃
〃Hey; you guys;〃 Harry said; ing up the stairs。 〃Is this a private party? Or can anybody join in?〃
〃Sure;〃 Norman said; 〃e on up; Harry;〃 and he moved away from Beth。
〃Was I interrupting something?〃 Harry said。
〃No; no。〃
〃I dont want to get in the way of anybodys sex life。〃
〃Oh; Harry;〃 Beth said。 She sat at the lab bench; moving away from Norman。
〃Well; you two sure look all charged up about something。〃
〃Do we?〃 Norman said。
〃Yeah; especially Beth。 I think she gets more beautiful every day shes down here。〃
〃Ive noticed that; too;〃 Norman said; smiling。
''275'' 〃Ill bet you have。 A woman in love。 Lucky you。〃 Harry turned to Beth。 〃Why are you staring at me like that?〃
〃Im not staring;〃 Beth said。
〃You are; too。〃
〃Harry; Im not staring。〃
〃I can tell when someone is staring at me; for Christs sake。〃
Norman said; 〃Harry…〃
〃…I just want to know why you two are looking at me like that。 Youre looking at me like Im a criminal or something。〃
〃Dont get paranoid; Harry。〃
〃Huddling up here; whispering 。。。〃
〃We werent whispering。〃
〃You were。〃 Harry looked around the room。 〃So its two white people and one black person now; is that it?〃
〃Oh; Harry 。。。〃
〃Im not stupid; you know。 Somethings going on between you。 I can tell。〃
〃Harry;〃 Norman said; 〃nothing is going on。〃
And then they heard a low insistent beeping; from the munications console downstairs。 They exchanged glances; and went downstairs to look。
The console screen was slowly printing out letter groups。
〃Is that Jerry?〃 Norman asked。
〃I dont think so;〃 Harry said。 〃I dont think he would go back to code。〃
〃Is it a code?〃
〃I would say so; definitely。〃
〃Why is it so slow?〃 Beth said。 A new letter was added every few seconds in a steady; rhythmic way。
〃I dont know;〃 Harry said。 〃Where is it ing from?〃
Harry frowned。 〃I dont know; but the transmission speed is the most interesting characteristic。 The slowness。 Interesting。〃
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...