〃Harry; will you shut up!〃
〃Well; whats the delay?〃
''356'' Normans hand closed on the inner latch handle。 He shoved it down; but the door didnt move: the door was hinged to swing inward。 He couldnt open it with Beth in the hatch with him。 It was too crowded; her body blocked the movement of the door。
〃Harry; weve got a problem。〃
〃Jesus Christ 。。。 Three minutes thirty。〃
Norman began to sweat。 They were really in trouble now。
〃Harry; Ive got to pass her out to you; and go in alone。〃
〃Jesus; Norman 。。。〃
Norman flooded the airlock; opened the upper hatch once again。 Harrys balance atop the submarine was precarious。 He grabbed Beth by the air hose; dragged her up。
Norman reached up to close the hatch。
〃Harry; can you get her feet out of the way?〃
〃Im trying to keep my balance here。〃
〃Cant you see her feet are blocking…〃 Irritably; Norman pushed Beths feet aside。 The hatch clanged down。 The air blasted past him。 The hatch pressurized。
〃Attention; please。 Two minutes and counting。〃
He was inside the submarine。 The instruments glowed green。
He opened the inner hatch。
〃Try and get her down;〃 Norman said。 〃Do it as fast as you can。〃
But he was thinking they were in terrible trouble: at least thirty seconds to get Beth into the hatch; and thirty seconds more for Harry to e down。 A minute all together…
〃Shes in。 Vent it。〃
Norman jumped for the air vent; blew out the water。
〃Howd you get her in so fast; Harry?〃
〃Natures way;〃 Harry said; 〃to get people through tight spaces。〃 And before Norman could ask what that meant; he had opened the hatch and saw that Harry had pushed Beth into the airlock head first。 He grabbed her shoulders and eased her onto the floor of the submarine; then slammed the ''357'' hatch shut。 Moments later; he heard the blast of air as Harry; too; vented the airlock。
The submarine hatch clanged。 Harry came forward。 〃Christ; one minute forty;〃 Harry said。 〃Do you know how to work this thing?〃
Norman sat in the seat; placed his hands on the controls。 They heard the whine of the props; felt the rumble。 The sub lurched; moved off the bottom。
〃One minute thirty seconds。 How long did you say to the surface?〃
〃Two thirty;〃 Norman said; cranking up the ascent rate。 He pushed it past 6。6; to the far end of the dial。
They heard a high…pitched shriek of air as the ballast tanks blew。 The sub nosed up sharply; began to rise swiftly。
〃Is this as fast as it goes?〃
〃Take it easy; Harry。〃
Looking back down; they could see the habitat with its lights。 And then the long lines of explosives set over the spaceship itself。 They rose past the high fin
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...