He jumped back into the water。
0500 HOURS
The sphere gleamed in the light。 Norman saw himself reflected in its perfectly polished surface; then saw his image break up; fragmented on the convolutions; as he moved around to the back。
To the door。
It looked like a mouth; he thought。 Like the maw of some primitive creature; about to eat him。 Confronted by the sphere; seeing once again the alien; unhuman pattern of the convolutions; he felt his intention dissolve。 He was suddenly afraid。 He didnt think he could go through with it。
Dont be silly; he told himself。 Harry did it。 And Beth did it。 They survived。
He examined the convolutions; as if for reassurance。 But there wasnt any reassurance to be obtained。 Just curved grooves in the metal; reflecting back the light。
Okay; he thought finally。 Ill do it。 Ive e this far; Ive survived everything so far。 I might as well do it。
Go ahead and open up。
But the sphere did not open。 It remained exactly as it was; a gleaming; polished; perfect shape。
What was the purpose of the thing? He wished he understood its purpose。
He thought of Dr。 Stein again。 What was Steins favorite ''330'' line? 〃Understanding is a delaying tactic。〃 Stein used to get angry about that。 When the graduate students would intellectualize; going on and on about patients and their problems; he would interrupt in annoyance; 〃Who cares? Who cares whether we understand the psychodynamics in this case? Do you want to understand how to swim; or do you want to jump in and start swimming? Only people who are afraid of the water want to understand it。 Other people jump in and get wet。〃
Okay; Norman thought。 Lets get wet。
He turned to face the sphere; and thought; Open up。
The sphere did not open。
〃Open up;〃 he said aloud。 The sphere did not open。
Of course he knew that wouldnt work; because Ted had tried it for hours。 When Harry and Beth went in; they hadnt said anything。 They just did something in their minds。
He closed his eyes; focused his attention; and thought; Open up。
He opened his eyes and looked at the sphere。 It was still closed。
I am ready for you to open up; he thought。 I am ready now。
Nothing happened。 The sphere did not open。
Norman hadnt considered the possibility that he would be unable to open the sphere。 After all; two others had already done it。 How had they managed it?
Harry; with his logical brain; had been the first to figure it out。 But Harry had only figured it out after he had seen Beths tape。 So Harry had discovered a clue in the tape; an important clue。
Beth had also reviewed the tape; watching it again and again; until she finally figured it out; too。 Something in the tape 。。。
Too bad he didnt have the tape here; Norman thought。 But he had seen it often; he could probably reconstruct it; play it back in his mind。 How did it go? In his mind he saw the images: Beth and Tina talking。 Beth eating cake。 Then ''331'' Tina had said something about the tapes being stored in the submarine。 And Beth said something back。 Then Tina had moved away; out of the picture; but she had said; 〃Do you think theyll ever get the sphere open?〃
And Beth said; 〃Maybe。 I dont know。〃 And the sphere had opened at that moment。
〃Do you think theyll ever get the sphere open?〃 Tina had asked。 And in response to such a question; Beth must have imagined the sphere open; must have seen an image of the open sphere in her mind
There was a deep; low rumble; a vibration that filled the room。
The sphere was open; the door gaping wide and black。
Thats it; he thought。 Visualize it happening and it happens。 Which meant that if he also visualized the sphere door closed…
With another deep rumble; the sphere closed。
…or open…
The sphere opened again。
〃Id better not press my luck;〃 he said aloud。 The door was still open。 He peered in the doorway but saw only deep; undifferentiated blackness。 Its now or never; he thought。 He stepped inside。
The sphere closed behind him。
There is darkness; and then; as his eyes adjust; something like fireflies。 It is a dancing; luminous foam; millions of points of light; swirling around him。
What is this? he thinks。 All he sees is the foam。 There is no structure to it and apparently no limit。 It is a surging ocean; a glistening; multifaceted foam。 He feels great beauty and peace。 It is restful to be here。
He moves his hands; scooping the foam; his movements making it swirl。 But then he notices that his hands are being transparent; that he can see the sparkling foam through ''332'' his own flesh。 He looks down at his body。 His legs; his torso; everything is being transparent to the foam。 He is part of the foam。 The sensation is very pleasant。
He grows lighter。 Soon he is lifted; and floats in the limitless ocean foam。 He puts his hands behind his neck and floats。 He feels happy。 He feels he could stay here forever。
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...