〃So the aliens will need to be informed by an advance man of who the President is; and the protocol in talking to him。 You cant have the President of the United States talking to people from another galaxy or whatever on television without advance preparation。 Do you think the aliensll speak English?〃
〃Doubtful;〃 Norman said。
〃So someone may need to learn their language; is that it?〃
〃Its hard to say。〃
〃Perhaps the aliens would be more fortable meeting with an advance man from one of our ethnic minorities;〃 the ''17'' White House man said。 〃Anyway; its a possibility。 Think about it。〃
Norman promised he would think about it。
The Pentagon liaison; a Major General; took him to lunch and over coffee casually asked; 〃What sorts of armaments do you see these aliens having?〃
〃Im not sure;〃 Norman said。
〃Well; thats the crux of it; isnt it? And what about their vulnerabilities? I mean; the aliens might not even be human at all。〃
〃No; they might not。〃
〃They might be like giant insects。 Your insects can withstand a lot of radiation。〃
〃Yes;〃 Norman said。
〃We might not be able to touch these aliens;〃 the Pentagon man said gloomily。 Then he brightened。 〃But I doubt they could withstand a direct hit with a multimeg nuclear device; do you?〃
〃No;〃 Norman said。 〃I dont think they could。〃 〃Itd vaporize em。〃
〃Laws of physics。〃
〃Your report must make that point clearly。 About the nuclear vulnerability of these aliens。〃
〃Yes;〃 Norman said。
〃We dont want to start a panic;〃 the Pentagon man said。 〃No sense getting everyone upset; is there? I know the JCS will be reassured to hear the aliens are vulnerable to our nuclear weapons。〃
〃Ill keep that in mind;〃 Norman said。
Eventually; the meetings ended; and he was left to write his report。 And as he reviewed the published speculations on extraterrestrial life; he decided that the Major General from the Pentagon was not so wrong; after all。 The real question about alien contact…if there was any real question at all…concerned panic。 Psychological panic。 The only important human experience with extraterrestrials had been Orson Welless 1938 radio broadcast of 〃The War ''18'' of the Worlds。〃 And the human response was unequivocal。 People had been terrified。
Norman submitted his report; entitled 〃Contact with Possible Extraterrestrial Life。〃 It was returned to him by the NSC with the suggestion that the title be revised to 〃sound more technical〃 and that he remove 〃any suggestion that alien contact was only a possibility; as alien contact is considered virtually certain in some quarters of the Administration。〃
Revised; Normans paper was duly classified Top Secret; under the title 〃Remendations for the Human Contact Team to Interact with Unknown Life Forms (ULF)。〃 As Norman envisioned it; the ULF Contact Team demanded particularly stable individuals。 In his report he had said
〃I wonder;〃 Barnes said; opening a folder; 〃if you recognize this quote:
Contact teams meeting an Unknown Life Form (ULF) must be prepared for severe psychological impact。 Extreme anxiety responses will almost certainly occur。 The personality traits of individuals who can withstand extreme anxiety must be determined; and such individuals selected to prise the team。
Anxiety when confronted by unknown life has not been sufficiently appreciated。 The fears unleashed by contact with a new life form are not understood and cannot be entirely predicted in advance。 But the most likely consequence of contact is absolute terror。〃
Barnes snapped the folder shut。 〃You remember who said that?〃
〃Yes;〃 Norman said。 〃I do。〃
And he remembered why he had said it。
As part of the NSC grant; Norman had conducted studies of group dynamics in contexts of psychosocial anxiety。 Following the procedures of Asch and Milgram; he constructed several environments in which subjects did not know they were being tested。 In one case; a group of subjects were told to take an elevator to another floor to participate in a test。 The elevator jammed between floors。 ''19'' Subjects were then observed by hidden video camera。
There were several variations to this。 Sometimes the elevator was marked 〃Under Repair〃; sometimes there was telephone munication with the 〃repairman;〃 sometimes not; sometimes the ceiling fell in; and the lights went out; and sometimes the floor of the elevator was constructed of clear lucite。
In another case; subjects were loaded into a van and driven out into the desert by an 〃experiment leader〃 who ran out of gas; and then suffered a 〃heart attack;〃 thus stranding the subjects。
In the most severe version; subjects were taken up in a private plane; and the pilot suffered a 〃heart attack〃 in mid…air。 Despite the traditional plaints about such tests…that they were sadistic; that they were artificial; that subjects somehow sensed the situations were contrived…Johnson gained considerable information about groups under anxiety stress。
He found that fear responses were minimized when the group was small (five or less); when group members knew each other well; when group members could see each other and were not isolated; when they shared defined group goals and fixed time limits; when groups were mixed age and mixed gender; and when group members had high phobic…tolerant personalities as measured by LAS tests for anxiety; which in turn correlated with athletic fitness。
Study results were formulated in dense statistical tables; although; in essence; Norman knew he had merely verified mon sense: if you were trapped in an elevator; it was better to be with a few relaxed; athletic people you knew; to keep the lights on; and to know someone was working to get you free。
Yet N
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...