ncredibly destructive to the human body if exposed to too much of it。 Oxygen under pressure is toxic…with a vengeance。 So we cut down the amount of oxygen you breathe。 You breathe twenty…one percent oxygen at the surface。 Down here; you breathe two percent oxygen。 But you wont notice any difference…〃
A voice over a loudspeaker said; 〃Were starting to pressurize you now。〃
〃Whos that?〃 Norman said。
〃Barnes;〃 the voice said。 But it didnt sound like Barnes。 It sounded gritty and artificial。
〃It must be the talker;〃 Ted said; and then laughed。 His ''54'' voice was noticeably higher…pitched。 〃Its the helium; Norman。 Theyre pressurizing us with helium。〃
〃You sound like Donald Duck;〃 Norman said; and he laughed; too。 His own voice sounded squeaky; like a cartoon characters。
〃Speak for yourself; Mickey;〃 Ted squeaked。
〃I taut I taw a puddy tat;〃 Norman said。 They were both laughing; hearing their voices。
〃Knock it off; you guys;〃 Barnes said over the inter。 〃This is serious。〃
〃Yes; sir; Captain;〃 Ted said; but by now his voice was so high…pitched it was almost unintelligible; and they fell into laughter again; their tinny voices like those of schoolgirls reverberating inside the steel cylinder。
Helium made their voices high and squeaky。 But it also had other effects。
〃Getting chilled; boys?〃 Barnes said。
They were indeed getting colder。 He saw Ted shivering; felt goosebumps on his own legs。 It felt as if a wind were blowing across their bodies…except there wasnt any wind。 The lightness of the helium increased evaporation; made them cold。
Across the cylinder; Ted said something; but Norman couldnt understand Ted at all any more; his voice was too high…pitched to be prehensible。 It was just a thin squeal。
〃Sounds like a couple of rats in there now;〃 Barnes said; with satisfaction。
Ted rolled his eyes toward the loudspeaker and squeaked something。
〃If you want to talk; get a talker;〃 Barnes said。 〃Youll find them in the locker under the seat。〃
Norman found a metal locker; clicked it open。 The metal squealed loudly; like chalk on a blackboard。 All the sounds in the chamber were high…pitched。 Inside the locker he saw two black plastic pads with neck straps。
〃Just slip them over your neck。 Put the pad at the base of your throat。〃
〃Okay;〃 Ted said; and then blinked in surprise。 His voice sounded slightly rough; but otherwise normal。
''55'' 〃These things must change the vocal…cord frequencies;〃 Norman said。
〃Why dont you guys pay attention to briefings?〃 Barnes said。 〃Thats exactly what they do。 Youll have to wear a talker all the time youre down here。 At least; if you want anybody to understand you。 Still cold?〃
〃Yes;〃 Ted said。
〃Well; hang on; youre almost fully pressurized now。〃 Then there was another hiss; and a side door slid open。 Barnes stood there; with light jackets over his arm。 〃Wele to DH…8;〃 he said。
〃Youre the last to arrive;〃 Barnes said。 〃We just have time for a quick tour before we open the spacecraft。〃
〃Youre ready to open it now?〃 Ted asked。 〃Wonderful。 Ive just been talking about this with Norman。 This is such a great moment; our first contact with alien life; we ought to prepare a little speech for when we open it up。〃
〃Therell be time to consider that;〃 Barnes said; with an odd glance at Ted。 〃Ill show you the habitat first。 This way。〃 He explained that the DH…8 habitat consisted of five large cylinders; designated A to E。 〃Cyl A is the airlock; where we are now。〃 He led them into an adjacent changing room。 Heavy cloth suits hung limply on the wall; alongside yellow sculpted helmets of the sort Norman had seen the divers wearing。 The helmets had a futuristic look。 Norman tapped one with his knuckles。 It was plastic; and surprisingly light。 He saw 〃JOHNSON〃 stenciled above one faceplate。
〃We going to wear these?〃 Norman asked。
〃Thats correct;〃 Barnes said。
''56'' 〃Then well be going outside?〃 Norman said; feeling a twinge of alarm。
〃Eventually; yes。 Dont worry about it now。 Still cold?〃
They were; Barnes had them change into tight…fitting jumpsuits of clinging blue polyester。 Ted frowned。 〃Dont you think these look a little silly?〃
〃They may not be the height of fashion;〃 Barnes said; 〃but they prevent heat loss from helium。〃
〃The color is unflattering;〃 Ted said。
〃Screw the color;〃 Barnes said。 He handed them light…weight jackets。 Norman felt something heavy in one pocket; and pulled out a battery pack。
〃The jackets are wired and electrically heated;〃 Barnes said。 〃Like an electric blanket; which is what youll use for sleeping。 Follow me。〃
They went on to Cyl B; which housed power and life…support systems。 At first glance; it looked like a large boiler room; all multicolored pipes and utilitarian fittings。 〃This is where we generate all of our heat; power; and air;〃 Barnes said。 He pointed out the features: 〃Closed…cycle IC generator; 240110。 Hydrogen…and…oxygen…driven fuel cells。 LSS monitors。 Liquid processor; runs on silver…zinc batteries。 And thats Chief Petty Officer Fletcher。 Teeny Fletcher。〃 Norman saw a big…boned figure; working back among the pipes with a heavy wrench。 The figure turned; Alice Fletcher gave them a grin; waved a greasy hand。
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...