Whirring; the robot claw extended out toward the panel。 But the claw was clumsy; it scraped against the metal; leaving a series of gleaming scratches。 But the panel remained closed。
〃Ridiculous;〃 Ted said。 〃Its like watching a baby。〃
The claw continued to scratch at the panel。
〃We should be doing this ourselves;〃 Ted said。
〃Use suction;〃 Barnes said。
Another arm extended out; with a rubber sucker。 〃Ah; the plumbers friend;〃 Ted said disdainfully。
As they watched; the sucker attached to the panel; flattened。 Then; with a click; the panel lifted open。
〃At last!〃
〃I cant see。 。。。〃
The view inside the panel was blurred; out of focus。 They could distinguish what appeared to be a series of colored round metal protrusions; red; yellow; and blue。 There were also intricate black…and…white symbols above the knobs。
〃Look;〃 Ted said; 〃red; blue; yellow。 Primary colors。 This is a very big break。〃
〃Why?〃 Norman said。
〃Because it suggests that the aliens have the same sensory equipment that we do…they may see the universe the same ''65'' way; visually; in the same colors; utilizing the same part of the electromagnetic spectrum。 Thats going to help immeasurably in making contact with them。 And those black…and…white markings 。。。 that must be some of their writing! Can you imagine! Alien writing!〃 He smiled enthusiastically。 〃This is a great moment;〃 he said。 〃I feel truly privileged to be here。〃
〃Focus;〃 Barnes called。 〃Focusing now; sir。〃
The image became even more blurred。 〃No; the other way。〃
〃Yes Sir。 Focusing now。〃
The image changed; slowly resolved into sharp focus。 〃Uh…oh;〃 Ted said; staring at the screen。
They now saw that the blurred knobs were actually three colored buttons: yellow; red; and blue。 The buttons were each an inch in diameter and had knurled or machined edges。 The symbols above the buttons resolved sharply into a series of neatly stenciled labels。
From left to right the labels read: 〃Emergency Ready;〃 〃Emergency Lock;〃 and 〃Emergency Open。〃
In English。
There was a moment of stunned silence。 And then; very softly; Harry Adams began to laugh。
〃Thats English;〃 Ted said; staring at the screen。 〃Written English。〃
〃Yeah;〃 Harry said。 〃Sure is。〃
〃Whats going on?〃 Ted said。 〃Is this some kind of joke?〃
〃No;〃 Harry said。 He was calm; oddly detached。
''66'' 〃How could this spacecraft be three hundred years old; and carry instructions in modem English?〃
〃Think about it;〃 Harry said。
Ted frowned。 〃Maybe;〃 he said; 〃this alien spacecraft is somehow presenting itself to us in a way that will make us fortable。〃
〃Think about it some more;〃 Harry said。
There was a short silence。 〃Well; if it is an alien spacecraft…〃
〃Its not an alien spacecraft;〃 Harry said。
There was another silence。 Then Ted said; 〃Well; why dont you just tell us all what it is; since youre so sure of yourself!〃
〃All right;〃 Harry said。 〃Its an American spacecraft。〃
〃An American spacecraft? Half a mile long? Made with technology we dont have yet? And buried for three hund
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...