


〃Its all food。 Nothing but food。〃

The ship had traveled with an enormous amount of food。 Even allowing for a crew of twenty; it was enough food for a voyage of several years。

They were getting very tired; it was a relief when Beth found a button; said; 〃I wonder what this does…〃

Barnes said; 〃Beth…〃

And the walkway began to move; rubber tread rolling forward with a slight hum。

〃Beth; I want you to stop pushing every damn button you see。〃

But nobody else objected。 It was a relief to ride the walkway past dozens of identical storage bays。 Finally they came to a new section; much farther forward。 Norman guessed by now they were a quarter of a mile from the crew partment in the back。 That meant they were roughly in the middle of the huge ship。

And here they found a room with life…support equipment; and twenty hanging spacesuits。

〃Bingo;〃 Ted said。 〃Its finally clear。 This ship is intended to travel to the stars。〃

The others murmured; excited by the possibility。 Suddenly it all made sense: the great size; the vastness of the ship; the plexity of the control consoles。 。。。

〃Oh; for Christs sake;〃 Harry said。 〃It cant have been made to travel to the stars。 This is obviously a conventional spacecraft; although very large。 And at conventional speeds; ''82'' the nearest star is two hundred and fifty years away。〃

〃Maybe they had new technology。〃

〃Where is it? Theres no evidence of new technology。〃

〃Well; maybe its…〃

〃Face the facts; Ted;〃 Harry said。 〃Even with this huge size; the ship is only provisioned for a few years: fifteen or twenty years; at most。 How far could it go in that time? Barely out of the solar system; right?〃

Ted nodded glumly。 〃Its true。 It took the Voyager spacecraft five years to reach Jupiter; nine years to reach Uranus。 In fifteen years 。。。 Maybe they were going to Pluto。〃

〃Why would anyone want to go to Pluto?〃

〃We dont know yet; but…〃

The radios squawked。 The voice of Tina Chan said; 〃Captain Barnes; surface wants you for a secure encrypted munication; sir。〃

〃Okay;〃 Barnes said。 〃Its time to go back; anyway。〃 They headed back; through the vast ship; to the main entrance。


They were sitting in the lounge of DH…8; watching the divers work on the grid。 Barnes was in the next cylinder; talking to the surface。 Levy was cooking lunch; or dinner…a meal; anyway。 They were all getting confused about what the Navy people called 〃surface time。〃

〃Surface time doesnt matter down here;〃 Edmunds said; in her precise librarians voice。 〃Day or night; it just doesnt make any difference。 You get used to it。〃

They nodded vaguely。 Everyone was tired; Norman saw。 The strain; the tension of the exploration; had taken its toll。

''83'' Beth had already drifted off to sleep; feet up on the coffee table; her muscular arms folded across her chest。

Outside the window; three small submarines had e down and were hovering over the grid。 Several divers were clustered around; others were heading back to the divers habitat; DH…7。

〃Looks like somethings up;〃 Harry said。 〃Something to do with Barness call?〃

〃Could be。〃 Harry was still preoccupied; distracted。 〃Wheres Tina Chan?〃

〃She must be with Barnes。 Why?〃

〃I need to talk to her。〃

〃What about?〃 Ted said。

〃Its personal;〃 Harry said。









赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...








