


〃So do we;〃 Harry said。

〃We do?〃 Beth and Norman said together。

But Barnes wasnt listening。 〃And the ship seems to have picked up something on its travels。〃

〃Picked up something? What is it?〃

〃I dont know;〃 Barnes said。 〃But its something alien。〃


The moving walkway carried them past endless large cargo bays。 They were going forward; to join Barnes and Ted and Edmunds。 And to see their alien discovery。

〃Why would anyone send a spaceship through a black hole?〃 Beth asked。

〃Because of gravity;〃 Harry said。 〃You see; black holes have so much gravity they distort space and time incredibly。 You remember how Ted was saying that planets and stars make dents in the fabric of space…time? Well; black holes make tears in the fabric。 And some people think its possible to fly through those tears; into another universe; or another part of our universe。 Or to another time。〃

〃Another time!〃

〃Thats the idea;〃 Harry said。

〃Are you people ing?〃 Barness tinny voice; on the monitor。

〃In transit now;〃 Beth said; glowering at the screen。 〃He cant see you;〃 Norman said。

〃I dont care。〃

They rode past more cargo areas。 Harry said; 〃I cant wait to see Teds face when we tell him。〃

Finally they reached the end of the walkway。 They passed through a midsection of struts and girders; and entered a large forward room which they had previously seen on the monitor。 With ceilings nearly a hundred feet high; it was enormous。

You could put a six…story building in this room; Norman thought。 Looking up; he saw a hazy mist or fog。

〃Whats that?〃

〃Thats a cloud;〃 Barnes said; shaking his head。 〃The room is so big it apparently has its own weather。 Maybe it even rains in here sometimes。〃

The room was filled with machinery on an immense scale。 At first glance; it looked like oversized earth…moving machinery; except it was brightly painted in primary colors; ''103'' glistening with oil。 Then Norman began to notice individual features。 There were giant claw hands; enormously powerful arms; moving gear wheels。 And an array of buckets and receptacles。

He realized suddenly he was looking at something very similar to the grippers and claws mounted on the front end of the Charon V submersible he had ridden down on the day before。 Was it the day before? Or was it still the same day? Which day? Was this July 4? How long had they been down here?

〃If you look carefully;〃 Barnes was saying; 〃you can see that some of these devices appear to be large…scale weapons。 Others; like that long extensor arm; the various attachments to pick things up; in effect make this ship a gigantic robot。〃

〃A robot 。。。〃

〃No kidding;〃 Beth said。

〃I guess it would have been appropriate for a robot to open it after all;〃 Ted said thoughtfully。 〃Maybe even fitting。〃

〃Snug fitting;〃 Beth said。

〃Pipe fitting;〃 Norman said。

〃Sort of robot…to…robot; you mean?〃 Harry said。 〃Sort of a meeting of the threads and treads?〃

〃Hey;〃 Ted said。 〃I dont make fun of your ments even when theyre stupid。〃

〃I wasnt aware they ever were;〃 Harry said。

〃You say foolish things sometimes。 Thoughtless。〃

〃Children;〃 Barnes said; 〃can we get back to the business at hand?〃

〃Point it out the next time; Ted。〃

〃I will。〃

〃Ill be glad to know when I say something foolish。〃

〃No problem。〃

〃Something you consider foolish。〃

〃Tell you what;〃 Barnes said to Norman; 〃when we go back to the surface; lets leave these two down here。〃

〃Surely you cant think of going back now;〃 Ted said。

〃Weve already voted。〃









赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...








