〃Here we go;〃 Tina said。
The monitor showed jagged lines; and then resolved。 On the screen; Tina was saying; 〃…hours the tapes are transferred to the submarine。〃
Beth: 〃What for?〃
Tina: 〃Thats so; if anything happens down here; the submarine will automatically go to the surface。〃
Beth: 〃Oh; great。 I wont think about that too much。 Where is Dr。 Fielding now?〃
Tina: 〃He gave up on the sphere; and went into the main flight deck with Edmunds。〃
On the screen; Tina stepped out of view。 Beth remained alone in the chair; eating the cake; her back to the monitor。
Onscreen; Tina was saying; 〃Do you think theyll ever get the sphere open?〃
Beth ate her cake。 〃Maybe;〃 she said。 〃I dont know。〃
There was a short pause; and then on the monitor behind Beth; the door of the sphere slid open。
〃Hey! It did open!〃
〃Keep the tape running!〃
Onscreen; Beth didnt notice the monitor。 Tina; still somewhere offscreen; said; 〃It scares me。〃
Beth: 〃I dont think theres a reason to be scared。〃
Tina: 〃Its the unknown。〃
〃Sure;〃 Beth said; 〃but an unknown thing is not likely to be dangerous or frightening。 Its most likely to be just inexplicable。〃
〃I dont know how you can say that。〃
〃You afraid of snakes?〃 Beth said; onscreen。
All during this conversation; the sphere remained open。
Watching; Harry said; 〃Too bad we cant see inside it。〃
〃I may be able to help that;〃 Tina said。 〃Ill do some image…intensification work with the puter。〃
〃It almost looks like there are little lights;〃 Harry said。 〃Little moving lights inside the sphere 。。。〃
Onscreen; Tina came back into view。 〃Snakes dont bother me。〃
''120'' 〃Well; I cant stand snakes;〃 Beth said。 〃Slimy; cold; disgusting things。〃
〃Ah; Beth;〃 Harry said; watching the monitor。 〃Got snake envy?〃
Onscreen; Beth was saying; 〃If I were a Martian who came to Earth and I stumbled upon a snake…a funny; cold; wiggling; tube…like life…I wouldnt know what to think of it。 But the chance that I would stumble on a poisonous snake is very small。 Less than one percent of snakes are poisonous。 So; as a Martian; I wouldnt be in danger from my discovery of snakes; Id just be perplexed。 Thats whats likely to happen with us。 Well be perplexed。〃
Onscreen; Beth was saying; 〃Anyway; I dont think well ever get the sphere open; no。〃
Tina: 〃I hope not。〃
Behind her on the monitor; the sphere closed。
〃Huh!〃 Harry said。 〃How long was it open all together?〃 〃Thirty…three point four seconds;〃 Tina said。
They stopped the tape。 Tina said; 〃Anybody want to see it again?〃 She looked pale。
〃Not right now;〃 Harry said。 He drummed his fingers on the arm of his chair; stared off; thinking。
No one else said anything; they just waited patiently for Harry。 Norman realized how much the group deferred to him。 Harry is the person who figures things out for us; Norman thought。 We need him; rely on him。
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...