Rose Levy; the cook; showed up with a glass of lemonade。 ''135'' Norman handed the glass to Harry; who drank it in a single gulp; passed it back。
〃Better bring a pitcher;〃 Norman said。 Levy went off。 Norman turned to Harry; still holding his head; still groaning; and said; 〃I have a question for you。〃
〃Whats your name?〃
〃Norman; I dont need to be psychoanalyzed right now。〃
〃Just tell me your name。〃
〃Harry Adams; for Christs sake。 Whats the matter with you? Oh; my head。〃
〃You didnt remember before;〃 Norman said。 〃When we found you。〃
〃When you found me?〃 he asked。 He seemed confused again。
Norman nodded。 〃Do you remember when we found you?〃
〃It must have been 。。。 outside。〃
Harry looked up; suddenly furious; eyes glowing with rage。 〃Outside the sphere; you goddamn idiot! What do you think Im talking about?〃
〃Take it easy; Harry。〃
〃Your questions are driving me crazy!〃
〃Okay; okay。 Take it easy。〃
Emotionally labile。 Rage and irritability。 Norman made more notes。
〃Do you have to make so much noise?〃
Norman looked up; puzzled。
〃Your pen;〃 Harry said。 〃It sounds like Niagara Falls。〃
Norman stopped writing。 It must be a migraine; or something like migraine。 Harry was holding his head in his hands delicately; as if it were made of glass。
〃Why cant I have any aspirin; for Christs sake?〃
〃We dont want to give you anything for a while; in case youve hurt yourself。 We need to know where the pain is。〃
〃The pain; Norman; is in my head。 Its in my goddamn head! Now; why wont you give me any aspirin?〃
''136'' 〃Barnes said not to。〃
〃Is Barnes still here?〃
〃Were all still here。〃
Harry looked up slowly。 〃But you were supposed to go to the surface。〃
〃I know。〃
〃Why didnt you go?〃
〃The weather went bad; and they couldnt send the subs。〃
〃Well; you should go。 You shouldnt be here; Norman。〃
Levy arrived with more lemonade。 Harry looked at her as he drank。
〃Youre still here; too?〃
〃Yes; Dr。 Adams。〃
〃How many people are down here; all together?〃
Levy said; 〃There are nine of us; sir。〃
〃Jesus。〃 He passed the glass back。 Levy refilled it。 〃You should all go。 You should leave。〃
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...