


〃What was beautiful; Harry?〃

〃Now; dont kid me;〃 Harry said。 〃Promise you wont kid me。〃

〃I wont kid you。〃

〃You think I look the same?〃

〃Yes; I do。〃

〃You dont think Ive changed at all?〃

〃No。 Not that I can see。 Do you think youve changed?〃

〃I dont know。 Maybe。 I…maybe。〃

〃Did something happen in the sphere to change you?〃

〃You dont understand about the sphere。〃

〃Then explain it to me;〃 Norman said。

〃Nothing happened in the sphere。〃

〃You were in the sphere for three hours。 。。。〃

Nothing happened。 Nothing ever happens inside the sphere。 Its always the same; inside the sphere。〃

〃Whats always the same? The foam?〃

〃The foam is always different。 The sphere is always the same。〃

〃I dont understand;〃 Norman said。

〃I know you dont;〃 Harry said。 He shook his head。 〃What can I do?〃

〃Tell me some more。〃

〃There isnt any more。〃

〃Then tell me again。〃

〃It wont help;〃 Harry said。 〃Do you think youll be leaving soon?〃

〃Barnes says not for several days。〃

〃I think you should leave soon。 Talk to the others。 Convince them。 Make them leave。〃

〃Why; Harry?〃

〃I cant be…I dont know。〃

Harry rubbed his eyes and lay back on the bed。 〃Youll have to excuse me;〃 he said; 〃but Im very tired。 Maybe we can continue this some other time。 Talk to the others; Norman。 Get them to leave。 Its 。。。 dangerous to stay here。〃 And he lay down in the bunk and closed his eyes。


〃Hes sleeping;〃 Norman told them。 〃Hes in shock。 Hes confused。 But he seems basically intact。〃

〃What did he tell you;〃 Ted said; 〃about what happened in there?〃

〃Hes quite confused;〃 Norman said; 〃but hes recovering。 When we first found him; he didnt even remember his name。 Now he does。 He remembers my name; he remembers where he is。 He remembers he went into the sphere。 I think he remembers what happened inside the sphere; too。 He just isnt telling。〃

〃Great;〃 Ted said。

〃He mentioned the sea; and the foam。 But I wasnt clear what he meant by that。〃

〃Look outside;〃 Tina said; pointing to the portholes。 Norman had an immediate impression of lights…thousands of lights filling the blackness of the ocean…and his first response was unreasoning terror: the lights in the sphere were ing out to get them。 But then he saw each of the lights had a shape; and were moving; wriggling。

They pressed their faces to the portholes; looked。 〃Squid;〃 Beth said finally。 〃Bioluminescent squid。〃

〃Thousands of them。〃

〃More;〃 she said。 〃Id guess at least half a million; all around the habitat。〃


〃The size of the school is amazing;〃 Ted said。 〃Impressive; but not really unusual;〃 Beth said。 〃The fecundity of the sea is very great pared with the land。 The sea is where life began; and where intense petition among animals first appeared。 One response to petition is to produce enormous numbers of offspring。 Many sea animals do that。 In fact; we tend to think that animals came out onto the land as a positive step forward in the evolution of life。 But the truth is; the first creatures were really driven out of the ocean。 They were just trying to get away from






赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...











