


〃Is there another console in the habitat? No? How about DH…7?〃

〃DH…7s empty now。 The divers have gone。〃

〃Then whered it e from?〃

Barnes said; 〃It looks random to me。〃

Tina nodded。 〃It may be a discharge from a temporary buffer memory somewhere in the system。 When we switched over to internal diesel power 。。。〃

〃Thats probably it;〃 Barnes said。 〃Buffer discharge on switchover。〃

〃I think you should keep it;〃 Ted said; staring at the screen。 〃Just in case its a message。〃

〃A message from where?〃

〃From the sphere。〃

〃Hell;〃 Barnes said; 〃it cant be a message。〃

〃How do you know?〃

〃Because theres no way a message can be transmitted。 Were not hooked up to anything。 Certainly not to the sphere。 Its got to be a memory dump from somewhere inside our own puter system。〃

〃How much memory have you got?〃

〃Fair amount。 Ten giga; something like that。〃

〃Maybe the heliums getting to the chips;〃 Tina said。 〃Maybe its a saturation effect。〃

〃I still think you should keep it;〃 Ted said。

''142'' Norman had been looking at the screen。 He was no mathematician; but hed looked at a lot of statistics in his life; searching for patterns in the data。 That was something human brains were inherently good at; finding patterns in visual material。 Norman couldnt put his finger on it; but he sensed a pattern here。 He said; 〃I have the feeling its not random。〃

〃Then lets keep it;〃 Barnes said。

Tina went forward to the console。 As her hands touched the keys; the screen went blank。

〃So much for that;〃 Barnes said。 〃Its gone。 Too bad we didnt have Harry to look at it with us。〃

〃Yeah;〃 Ted said gloomily。 〃Too bad。〃


〃Take a look at this;〃 Beth said。 〃this one is still alive。〃

Norman was with her in the little biological laboratory near the top of D Cylinder。 Nobody had been in this laboratory since their arrival; because they hadnt found anything living。 Now; with the lights out; he and Beth watched the squid move in the glass tank。

The creature had a delicate appearance。 The blue glow was concentrated in stripes along the back and sides of the creature。

〃Yes;〃 Beth said; 〃the bioluminescent structures seem to be located dorsally。 Theyre bacteria; of course。〃

〃What are?〃

〃The bioluminescent areas。 Squid cant create light themselves。 The creatures that do are bacteria。 So the bioluminescent animals in the sea have incorporated these bacteria into ''143'' their bodies。 Youre seeing bacteria glowing through the skin。〃

〃So its like an infection?〃

〃Yes; in a way。〃

The large eyes of the squid stared。 The tentacles moved。 〃And you can see all the internal organs;〃 Beth said。 〃The brain is hidden behind the eye。 That sac is the digestive gland; and behind it; the stomach; and below that…see it beating?…the heart。 That big thing at the front is the gonad; and ing down from the stomach; a sort of funnel…thats where it squirts the ink; and propels itself。〃

〃Is it really a new species?〃 Norman said。

She sighed。 〃I dont know。 Internally it is so typical。 But fewer tentacles would qualify it as a new species; all right。〃












赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...





