


〃What makes you think Im worried about anything?〃 Norman asked。

〃Your face;〃 Harry said。 〃Thats what makes me think youre worried。〃

〃Maybe I am;〃 Norman said。 〃But about this sphere。。。〃

〃You know; Ive been thinking a lot about that sphere。〃


〃Its quite amazing。 I really dont remember what happened。〃


〃I feel fine…I feel better all the time; honest to God; my energys back; headaches gone…and earlier I remembered everything about that sphere and what was inside it。 But every minute that passes; it seems to fade。 You know; the way a dream fades? You remember it when you wake up; but an hour later; its gone?〃


〃I remember that it was wonderful; and beautiful。 Something about lights; swirling lights。 But thats all。〃

〃How did you get the door to open?〃

''155'' 〃Oh; that。 It was very clear at the time; I remember I had worked it all out; I knew exactly what to do。〃

〃What did you do?〃

〃Im sure it will e back to me。〃

〃You dont remember how you opened the door?〃

〃No。 I just remember this sudden insight; this certainty; about how it was done。 But I cant remember the details。 Why; does somebody else want to go in? Ted; probably。〃

〃Im sure Ted would like to go in…〃

〃…I dont know if thats a good idea。 Frankly; I dont think Ted should do it。 Think how boring hell be with his speeches; after he es out。 I visited an alien sphere by Ted Fielding。 Wed never hear the end of it。〃

And he giggled。

Ted is right; Norman thought。 Hes definitely manic。 There was a speedy; overly cheerful quality to Harry。 His characteristic slow sarcasm was gone; replaced by a sunny; open; very quick manner。 And a kind of laughing indifference to everything; an imbalance in his sense of what was important。 He had said he couldnt crack the code。 He had said he couldnt remember what happened inside the sphere; or how he had opened it。 And he didnt seem to think it mattered。

〃Harry; when you first came out of the sphere; you seemed worried。〃

〃Did I? Had a brutal headache; I remember that。〃

〃You kept saying we should go to the surface。〃

〃Did I?〃

〃Yes。 Why was that?〃

〃God only knows。 I was so confused。〃

〃You also said it was dangerous for us to stay here。〃 Harry smiled。

〃Norman; you cant take that too seriously。 I didnt know if I was ing or going。〃

〃Harry; we need you to remember these things。 If things start to e back to you; will you tell me?〃

〃Oh sure; Norman。 Absolutely。 You can count on me; Ill tell you right away。〃


〃No;〃 Beth said。 〃none of it makes sense。 First of all; in areas where fish havent encountered human beings before; they tend to ignore humans unless they are hunted。 The Navy divers didnt hunt the fish。 Second; if the divers stirred up the bottom; thatd actually release nutrients and attract more animals。 Third; many species of animals are attracted to electrical currents。 So; if anything; the shrimps and other animals shouldve been drawn here earlier by the electricity。 Not now; with the power off。〃






赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...











