


''158'' 〃Actually; they werent。 When I dissected one; I found that it lacked several important structures。 Theres a nerve bundle called the stellate ganglion that wasnt there。〃

〃Well 。。。〃

〃And there were no gills; Norman。 Squid possess a long gill structure for gas exchange。 This one didnt have one。 The squid had no way to breathe; Norman。〃

〃It must have had a way to breathe。〃

〃Im telling you; it didnt。 Were seeing impossible animals down here。 All of a sudden; impossible animals。〃

She turned away from the high…intensity lamp; and he saw that she was close to tears。 Her hands were shaking; she quickly dropped them into her lap。 〃Youre really worried;〃 he said。

〃Arent you?〃 She searched his face。 〃Norman;〃 she said; 〃all this started when Harry came out of the sphere; didnt it?〃

〃I guess it did。〃

〃Harry came out of the sphere; and now we have impossible sea life。 。。。 I dont like it。 I wish we could get out of here。 I really do。〃 Her lower lip was trembling。

He gave her a hug and said gently; 〃We cant get out of here。〃

〃I know;〃 she said。 She hugged him back; and began to cry; pushing her face into his shoulder。

〃Its all right。 。。。〃

〃I hate it when I get this way;〃 she said。 〃I hate this feeling。〃

〃I know。 。。。。。 。

And I hate this place。 I hate everything about it。 I hate Barnes and I hate Teds lectures and I hate Levys stupid desserts。 I wish I wasnt here。〃

〃I know。 。。。〃

She sniffled for a moment; then abruptly pushed him away with her strong arms。 She turned away; wiped her eyes。 〃Im all right;〃 she said。 〃Thanks。〃

〃Sure;〃 he said。

She remained turned away; her back to him。 〃Wheres the ''159'' damn Kleenex?〃 She found one; blew her nose。 〃You wont say anything to the others。 。。。〃

〃Of course not。〃

A bell rang; startling her。 〃Jesus; whats that?〃

〃I think its dinner;〃 Norman said。


〃I dont know how you can eat those things;〃 Harry said; pointing to the squid。

〃Theyre delicious;〃 Norman said。 〃Sautéed squid。〃 As soon as he had sat at the table; he became aware of how hungry he was。 And eating made him feel better; there was a reassuring normalcy about sitting at a table; with a knife and fork in his hands。 It was almost possible to forget where he was。

〃I especially like them fried;〃 Tina said。

〃Fried calamari;〃 Barnes said。 〃Wonderful。 My favorite。〃

〃I like them fried; too;〃 Edmunds; the archivist; said。 She sat primly; very erect; eating her food precisely。 Norman noticed that she put her knife down between bites。

〃Why arent these fried?〃 Norman said。

〃We cant deep…fry down here;〃 Barnes said。 〃The hot oil forms a suspensi






赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...











