


Over the inter; Edmunds said; 〃They seem to be warm。 I feel heat on my arms and legs。〃

〃Thats not right;〃 Barnes said。 He turned to Tina。 〃Tell her to get out of there。〃

Tina ran from the cylinder; toward the munications console。

Norman could hardly see Edmunds any more。 He was vaguely aware of a dark shape; moving arms; agitated。 。。。

Over the inter; she said; 〃The smear on the faceplate…it wont go away…they seem to be eroding the plastic…and my arms…the fabric is…〃

Tinas voice said; 〃Jane。 Jane; get out of there。〃

〃On the double;〃 Barnes shouted。 〃Tell her on the double!〃

Edmundss breathing was ing in ragged gasps。 〃The smears…cant see very well…I feel…hurts…my arms burning…hurts…theyre eating through…〃

〃Jane。 e back。 Jane。 Are you reading? Jane。〃

〃Shes fallen down;〃 Harry said。 〃Look; you can see her lying…〃

〃…We have to save her;〃 Ted said; jumping to his feet。

〃Nobody move; 〃 Barnes said。

〃But shes…〃

〃…Nobody else is going out there; mister。〃

Edmundss breathing was rapid。 She coughed; gasped。 〃I cant…I cant…oh God…〃

Edmunds began to scream。

The scream was high…pitched and continuous except for ragged gasps for breath。 They could no longer see her through the swarms of jellyfish。 They looked at each other; at Barnes。 Barness face was rigidly set; his jaw tight; listening to the screams。

And then; abruptly; there was silence。


An hour later; the jellyfish disappeared as mysteriously as they had e。 They could see Edmundss body outside the habitat; lying on the bottom; rocking back and forth gently in the current。 There were small ragged holes in the fabric of the suit。

They watched through the portholes as Barnes and the chief petty officer; Teeny Fletcher; crossed the bottom into the harsh floodlights; carrying extra air tanks。 They lifted Edmundss body; the helmeted head flopped loosely back; revealing the scarred plastic faceplate; dull in the light。

Nobody spoke。 Norman noticed that even Harry had dropped his manic effect; he sat unmoving; staring out the window。

Outside; Barnes and Fletcher still held the body。 There was a great burst of silvery bubbles; which rose swiftly to the surface。

〃Whatre they doing?〃

〃Inflating her suit。〃

〃Why? Arent they bringing her back?〃 Ted said。

〃They cant;〃 Tina said。 〃Theres nowhere to put her here。 The deposition by…products would ruin our air。〃

〃But there must be some kind of a sealed container…〃

〃…There isnt;〃 Tina said。 〃Theres no provision for keeping organic remains in the habitat。〃

〃You mean they didnt plan on anyone dying。〃

〃Thats right。 They didnt。〃

Now there were many thin streams of bubbles rising from the holes in the suit; toward the surface。 Edmundss suit was puffed; bloated。 Barnes released it; and it floated slowly away; as if pulled upward by the streaming silver bubbles。

〃Itll go to the surface?〃

〃Yes。 The gas expands continuously as outside pressure diminishes。〃

〃And what then?〃

〃Sharks;〃 Beth said。 〃Probably。〃

In a few moments the body disappeared into blackness; ''165'' beyond the reach of the lights。 Barnes and Fletcher still watched the body; helmets tilted up toward the surface。 Fletcher made the sign of the cross。 Then they trudged back toward the habitat。

A bell rang from somewhere inside。 Tina went into D Cyl。 Moments later she shouted; 〃Dr。 Adams! More numbers!〃

Harry got up and went into the next cylinder。 The others trailed after him。 Nobody wanted to look out the porthole any longer。

Norman stared at the screen; entirely puzzled。






赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...











