


〃Hes gone。〃

〃Well;〃 Norman said。 〃youve just seen the power of psychology in action。〃 He couldnt help saying it。 He was still annoyed with Ted。

〃Im sorry;〃 Ted began。

〃Thats all right。〃

〃But I just dont think that for a higher intellect; emotions are really significant。〃

〃Lets not go into this again;〃 Beth said。

〃The real point;〃 Norman said; 〃is that emotions and intellect are entirely unrelated。 Theyre like separate partments of the brain; or even separate brains; and they dont municate with each other。 Thats why intellectual understanding is so useless。〃

Ted said; 〃Intellectual understanding is useless?〃 He sounded horrified。

''197'' 〃In many cases; yes;〃 Norman said。 〃If you read a book on how to ride a bike; do you know how to ride a bike? No; you dont。 You can read all you want; but you still have to go out and learn to ride。 The part of your brain that learns to ride is different from the part of your brain that reads about it。〃

〃What does this have to do with Jerry?〃 Barnes said。 〃We know;〃 Norman said; 〃that a smart person is just as likely to blunder emotionally as anyone else。 If Jerry is really an emotional creature…and not just pretending to be one…then we need to deal with his emotional side as well as his intellectual side。〃

〃Very convenient for you;〃 Ted said。

〃Not really;〃 Norman said。 〃Frankly; Id be much happier if Jerry were just cold; emotionless intellect。〃


〃Because;〃 Norman said; 〃if Jerry is powerful and also emotional; it raises a question。 What happens if Jerry gets mad?〃


The group broke up。 Harry; exhausted by the sustained effort of decoding; immediately went off to sleep。 Ted went to C Cyl to tape his personal observations on Jerry for the book he was planning to write。 Barnes and Fletcher went to E Cyl to plan battle strategy; in case the alien decided to attack them。

Tina stayed for a moment; adjusting the monitors in her precise; methodical way。 Norman and Beth watched her work。 She spent a lot of time with a deck of controls Norman ''198'' had never noticed before。 There was a series of gas…plasma readout screens; glowing bright red。

〃Whats all that?〃 Beth said。

〃EPSA。 The External Perimeter Sensor Array。 We have active and passive sensors for all modalities…thermal; aural; pressure…wave…ranged in concentric circles around the habitat。 Captain Barnes wants them all reset and activated。〃

〃Why is that?〃 Norman said。

〃I dont know; sir。 His orders。〃

The inter crackled。 Barnes said: 〃Seaman Chan to E Cylinder on the double。 And shut down the  line in here。 I dont want that Jerry listening to these plans。〃

〃Yes; sir。〃

Beth said; 〃Paranoid ass。〃

Tina collected her papers and hurried off。

Norman sat with Beth in silence for a moment。 They heard the rhythmic thumping; from somewhere in the habitat。 Then another silence; then they heard the thumping again。

〃What is that?〃 Beth said。 〃It sounds like its somewhere inside the habitat。〃 She went to the porthole; looked out; flicked on the exterior floods。 〃Uh…oh;〃 Beth said。 Norman looked。

Stretching across the ocean floor was an elongated shadow which moved back and forth with each thumping impact。 The shadow was so distorted it took him a moment to realize what he was seeing。 It was the shadow of a human arm; and a human hand。

〃Captain Barnes。 Are you there?〃

There was no reply。 Norman snapped the inter switch again。

〃Captain Barnes; are you reading?〃

Still no reply。

〃Hes shut off the  line;〃 Beth said。 〃He cant hear you。〃

〃Do you think the persons still alive out there?〃 Norman said。

''199'' 〃I dont know。 They might be。〃

〃Lets get going;〃 Norman said。

He tasted the dry metallic pressed air inside his helmet and fel









赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...








