〃No; but I dont see…〃
〃…Ill tell you。 A deep…placement; saturated gas environment with full support runs about a hundred thousand dollars an hour。 By the time we all get out of here; the total project cost will be eighty to a hundred million dollars。 You dont get that kind of appropriations from the military without what they call a serious expectation of military benefit。 Its that simple。 No expectation; no money。 You following me?〃
''204'' 〃You mean like a weapon?〃 Beth said。
〃Possibly; yes;〃 Barnes said。
〃Well;〃 Ted said; 〃I personally would never have joined…〃
〃…Is that right? Youd fly all the way to Tonga and Id say; Ted; theres a spacecraft down there that might contain life from another galaxy; but its a military operation; and youd say; Gosh; sorry to hear that; count me out? Is that what youd have done; Ted?〃
〃Well 。。。〃 Ted said。
〃Then you better shut up;〃 Barnes said。 〃Because Ive had it with your posturing。〃
〃Hear; hear;〃 Beth said。
〃I personally feel youre overwrought;〃 Ted said。
〃I personally feel youre an egomaniacal asshole;〃 Barnes said。
〃Just a minute; everybody;〃 Harry said。 〃Does anybody know why Levy went outside in the first place?〃
Tina said; 〃She was on a TRL。〃
〃A what?〃
〃A Timeclock Required Lockout;〃 Barnes said。 〃Its the duty schedule。 Levy was Edmundss backup。 After Edmunds died; it became Levys job to go to the submarine every twelve hours。〃
〃Go to the sub? Why?〃 Harry said。
Barnes pointed out the porthole。 〃You see DH…7 over there? Well; next to the single cylinder is an inverted dome hangar; and beneath the dome is a minisub that the divers left behind。
〃In a situation like this;〃 Barnes said; 〃Navy regs require that all tapes and records be transferred to the sub every twelve hours。 The sub is on TBDR Mode…Timed Ballast Drop and Release…set on a timer every twelve hours。 That way; if somebody doesnt get there every twelve hours; transfer the latest tapes; and press the yellow Delay button; the sub will automatically drop ballast; blow tanks; and go to the surface unattended。〃
〃Why is that?〃
〃If theres a disaster down here…say something happened '' 205'' to all of us…then the sub would automatically surface after twelve hours; with all the tapes accumulated thus far。 The Navyd recover the sub at the surface; and theyd have at least a partial record of what happened to us down here。〃
〃I see。 The subs our flight recorder。〃
〃You could say that; yes。 But its also our way out; our only emergency exit。〃
〃So Levy was going to the sub?〃
〃Yes。 And she must have made it; because the sub is still here。〃
〃She transferred the tapes; pressed the Delay button; and then she died on the way back。〃
〃How did she die?〃 Harry said; looking carefully at Barnes。
〃Were not sure;〃 Barnes said。
〃Her entire body was crushed;〃 Norman said。 〃It was like a sponge。〃
Harry said to Barnes; 〃An hour ago you ordered the EPSA sensors to be reset and adjusted。 Why was that?〃
〃We had gotten a strange reading in the previous hour。〃
〃What sort of a reading?〃
〃Something out there。 Something very large。〃
〃But it
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...