


The first impact came suddenly; knocking them off their feet。 They tumbled; rolling on the floor。 All around them; the habitat creaked and groaned; the sounds frighteningly loud。 Norman scrambled to his feet…he saw Fletcher bleeding from her forehead…and the second impact hit。 Norman was thrown sideways against the bulkhead。 There was a metallic clang as his head struck metal; a sharp pain; and then Barnes landed on top of him; grunting and cursing。 Barnes pushed his hand in Normans face as he struggled to his feet; Norman slid back to the floor and a video monitor crashed alongside him; spitting sparks。

By now the habitat was swaying like a building in an earthquake。 They clutched consoles; panels; doorways to keep their balance。 But it was the noise that Norman found most frightening…the incredibly loud metallic groans and cracks as the cylinders were shaken on their moorings。

The creature was shaking the entire habitat。

Barnes was on the far side of the room; trying to make his way to the bulkhead door。 He had a bleeding gash along one arm and he was shouting orders; but Norman couldnt hear anything except the terrifying sound of rending metal。 He saw Fletcher squeeze through the bulkhead; and then Tina; and then Barnes made it through; leaving behind a bloody handprint on the metal。

Norman couldnt see Harry; but Beth lurched toward him; holding her hand out; saying 〃Norman! Norman! We have to…〃 and then she slammed into him and he was knocked ''211'' over and he fell onto the carpet; underneath the couch; and slid up against the cold outer wall of the cylinder; and he realized with horror that the carpet was wet。

The habitat was leaking。

He had to do something; he struggled back to his feet; and stood right in a fine sizzling spray from one of the wall seams。 He glanced around; saw other leaks spurting from the ceiling; the walls。

This place is going to be torn apart。

Beth grabbed him; pulled her head close。 〃Were leaking!〃 she shouted。 〃God; were leaking!〃

〃I know;〃 Norman said; and Barnes shouted over the inter; 〃Positive pressure! Get positive pressure!〃 Norman saw Ted on the floor just before he tripped over him and fell heavily against the puter consoles; his face near the screen; the glowing letters large before him:


〃Jerry!〃 Ted was shouting。 〃Stop this; Jerry! Jerry!〃

Suddenly Harrys face was next to Ted; glasses askew。 〃Save your breath; hes going to kill us all!〃

〃He doesnt understand;〃 Ted shouted; as he fell backward onto the couch; flailing arms。

The powerful wrenching of metal on metal continued without pause; throwing Norman from one side to the other。 He kept reaching for handholds; but his hands were wet; and he couldnt seem to grasp anything。

〃Now hear this;〃 Barnes said over the inter。 〃Chan and I are going outside! Fletcher assumes mand!〃

〃Dont go out!〃 Harry shouted。 〃Dont go out there!〃

〃Opening hatch now;〃 Barnes said laconically。 〃Tina; you follow me。〃

〃Youll be killed!〃 Harry shouted; and then he was thrown against Beth。 Norman was on the floor again; he banged his head on one of the couch legs。

〃Were outside;〃 Barnes said。

And abruptly the banging stopped。 The habitat was motionless。 They did not move。 With the water streaming in through a dozen fine; misty leaks; they looked up at the inter speaker; and listened。

* * *

''212'' 〃Clear of the hatch;〃 Barnes said。 〃Our status is good。 Armament; J…9 exploding head spears loaded with Taglin…50 charges。 Well show this bastard a trick or two。〃


〃Water 。。。 Visibility is poor。 Visibility under five feet。 Seems to be 。。。 stirred…up bottom sediment and 。。。 very black; dark。 Feeling our way along buildings。〃


〃North side。 Going east now。 Tina?〃



〃Behind you; sir。〃

〃All right。 Put your hand on my tank so you…Good。 Okay。〃


Inside the cylinder; Ted sighed。 〃I dont think they should kill it;〃






赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...











