〃Ten yards。〃
For a moment; the great creature turned sideways to the habitat; and they could see its profile…the enormous glowing body; thirty feet long; with the huge unblinking eye; the circle of arms; waving like evil snakes; the two long tentacles; each terminating in a flattened; leaf…shaped section。
The squid continued to turn until its arms and tentacles stretched toward the habitat; and they glimpsed the mouth; the sharp…edged chomping beak in a mass of glowing green muscle。
〃Oh God。。。〃
The squid moved forward。 They could see each other in the glow through the portholes。 Its starting; Norman thought。 Its starting; and this time we cant survive it。
There was a thump as a tentacle swung against the habitat。 〃Jerry!〃 Ted shouted。 His voice was high; strained with tension。
The squid paused。 The body moved laterally; and they could see the huge eye staring at them。
〃Jerry! Listen to me!〃
The squid appeared to hesitate。
〃Hes listening!〃 Ted shouted; and he grabbed a flashlight off a wall bracket and shined it out the porthole。 He blinked the light once。
The great body of the squid glowed green; then went momentarily dark; then glowed green again。
〃Hes listening;〃 Beth said。
〃Of course hes listening。 Hes intelligent。〃 Ted blinked his light twice in rapid succession。
The squid blinked back; twice。 〃How can he do that?〃 Norman said。
〃Its a kind of skin cell called a chromatophore;〃 Beth said。 〃The animal can open and close these cells at will; and block the light。〃
Ted blinked three times。
''227'' The squid blinked three times。 〃He can do it fast;〃 Norman said。
〃Yes; fast。〃
〃Hes intelligent;〃 Ted said。 〃I keep telling you。 Hes intelligent and he wants to talk。〃
Ted blinked long; short; short。
The squid matched the pattern。
〃Thats a baby;〃 Ted said。 〃You just keep talking to me; Jerry。〃
He flashed a more plex pattern; and the squid answered; but then moved off to the left。
〃Ive got to keep him talking;〃 Ted said。
As the squid moved; Ted moved; skipping from porthole to porthole; shining his light。 The squid still blinked its glowing body in reply; but Norman sensed it had another purpose now。
They all followed Ted; from D into C Cyl。 Ted flashed his light。 The squid answered; but still moved onward。 〃Whats he doing?〃
〃Maybe hes leading us。 。。。〃
They went to B Cyl; where the life…support equipment was located; but there were no portholes in B。 Ted moved on to A; the airlock。 There were no portholes here; either。 Ted immediately jumped down and opened the hatch in the floor; revealing dark water。
〃Careful; Ted。〃
〃Im telling you; hes intelligent;〃 Ted said。 The water at his feet glowed a soft green。 〃Here he es now。〃 They could not see the squid yet; only the glow。 Ted blinked his light into the water。
The green blinked back。
〃Still talking;〃 Ted said。 〃And as long as hes talking…〃 With stunning swiftness; the tentacle smashed up through the open water and swung in a great arc around the airlock。 Norman had a glimpse of a glowing stalk as thick as a mans body; and a great glowing leaf five feet long; swinging blindly past him; and as he ducked he saw it hit Beth and knock her sideways。 Tina was screaming in terror。 Strong ammonia fumes burned their eyes。 The tentacle swung back toward ''228'' Norman。 He held up his hands to protect himself; touched slimy; cold flesh as the giant arm spun him; slammed him against the airlocks metal walls。 The animal was incredibly strong。
〃Get out; everybody out; away from the metal!〃 Fletcher was shouting。 Ted was scrambling up; away from the hatch and the twisting arm; and he had almost reached the door when the leaf swung back and wrapped around him; covering most of his body。 Ted grunted; pushed at the leaf with his hands。 His eyes were wide with horror。
Norman ran forward but Harry grabbed him。 〃Leave him! You cant do anything now!〃
Ted was being swung back and forth in the air across the airlock; banging from wall to wall。 His head dropped; blood ran down his forehead onto the glowing tentacle。 Still the arm swung him back and forth; the cylinder ringing like a gong with each impact。
〃Get out!〃 Fletcher was shouting。 〃Everybody out!〃 Beth scrambled past them。 Harry tugged at Norman just as the second tentacle burst above the surface to hold Ted in a pincer grip。
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...