''234'' 〃Thats assuming the storm clears on schedule;〃 Beth added。 〃Ive been trying to figure out how to release a surface balloon; and see what its like up there。 Tina used to punch some special code to release a balloon。〃
〃We can make it;〃 Norman said again。
〃Oh sure。 If worse es to worst; we can always get food from the spaceship。 Theres plenty over there。〃
〃You think we can risk going outside?〃
〃Well have to;〃 she said; glancing at the screens; 〃sometime in the next three hours。〃
〃The minisub。 It has that automatic surfacing timer; unless someone goes over and punches the button。〃
〃The hell with the sub;〃 Norman said。 〃Let the sub go。〃 〃Well; dont be too hasty;〃 Beth said。 〃That sub can hold three people。〃
〃You mean we could all get out of here in it?〃
〃Yeah。 Thats what I mean。〃
〃Christ;〃 Norman said。 〃Lets go now。〃
〃There are two problems with that;〃 Beth said。 She pointed to the screens。 〃Ive been going over the specs。 First; the sub is unstable on the surface。 If there are big waves on the surface; itll bounce us around worse than anything weve had down here。 And the second thing is that we have to link up with a depression chamber on the surface。 Dont forget; we still have ninety…six hours of depression ahead of us。〃
〃And if we dont depress?〃 Norman said。 He was thinking; Lets just go to the surface in the sub and throw open the hatch and see the clouds and the sky and breathe some normal earth air。
〃We have to depress;〃 Beth said。 〃Your bloodstream is saturated with helium gas in solution。 Right now youre under pressure; so everything is fine。 But if you release that pressure suddenly; its just the same as when you pop the top off a soda bottle。 The helium will bubble explosively out of your system。 Youll die instantly。〃
〃Oh;〃 Norman said。
''235'' 〃Ninety…six hours;〃 Beth said。 〃Thats how long it takes to get the helium out of you。〃
Norman went to the porthole and looked across at DH…7; and the minisub。 It was a hundred yards away。 〃You think the squid will e back?〃
She shrugged。 〃Ask Jerry。〃
Norman thought; No more of that Geraldine stuff now。 Or did she prefer to think of this malevolent entity as masculine?
〃Which monitor is it?〃
〃This one。〃 She flicked it on。 The screen glowed。
Norman said; 〃Jerry? Are you there?〃
No answer。
There was no response。
〃Ill tell you something about Jerry;〃 Beth said。 〃He cant really read minds。 When we were talking to him before; I sent him a thought and he didnt respond。〃
〃I did; too;〃 Norman said。 〃I sent both messages and images。 He never responded。〃
〃If we speak; he answers; but if we just think; he doesnt answer;〃 Beth said。 〃So hes not all…powerful。 He actually behaves as if he hears us。〃
〃Thats right;〃 Norman said。 〃Although he doesnt seem to be hearing us now。〃
〃No。 I tried earlier; too。〃
〃I wonder why he isnt answering。〃
〃You said he was emotional。 Maybe hes sulking。〃
Norman didnt think so。 Child kings didnt sulk。 They were vindictive and whimsical; but they didnt sulk。
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...