〃My God;〃 Beth said。
〃Yes;〃 Norman said。 〃It explains a lot。〃
She was silent for a while; staring at the message。 〃But how is he doing it?〃
〃I doubt if he is。 At least; not consciously。〃 Norman had been thinking about this。 〃Lets assume;〃 he said; 〃that something happened to Harry when he went inside the sphere…he acquired some kind of power while in the sphere。〃
〃Like what?〃
〃The power to make things happen just by thinking of them。 The power to make his thoughts real。〃
Beth frowned。 〃Make his thoughts real 。。。〃
〃Its not so strange;〃 he said。 〃Just think: if you were a sculptor; first you would get an idea; and then you would carve it in stone or wood; to make it real。 The idea es first; then the execution follows; with some added effort to create a reality that reflects your prior thoughts。 Thats the way the world works for us。 We imagine something; and then we try to make it happen。 Sometimes the way we make it happen is unconscious…like the guy who just happens to go home unexpectedly at lunchtime and catches his wife in bed with another man。 He doesnt consciously plan it。 It just sort of happens by itself。〃
〃Or the wife who catches the husband in bed with another woman;〃 Beth said。
〃Yes; of course。 The point is; we manage to make things happen all the time without thinking about them too much。 I dont think of every word when I talk to you。 I just intend to say something and it es out okay。〃
〃Yes 。。。〃
〃So we can make plicated creations like sentences without effort。 But we cant make other plicated ''271'' creations like sculptures without effort。 We believe we have to do something besides simply have an idea。〃
〃And we do;〃 Beth said。
〃Well; Harry doesnt。 Harrys gone one step further。 He doesnt have to carve the statue any more。 He just gets the idea; and things happen by themselves。 He manifests things。〃
〃Harry imagines a frightening squid; and suddenly we have a frightening squid outside our window?〃
〃Exactly。 And when he loses consciousness; the squid disappears。〃
〃And he got this power from the sphere?〃
Beth frowned。 〃Why is he doing this? Is he trying to kill us?〃
Norman shook his head。 〃No。 I think hes in over his head。〃
〃How do you mean?〃
〃Well;〃 Norman said; 〃weve considered lots of ideas of what the sphere from another civilization might be。 Ted thought it was a trophy or a message…he saw it as a present。 Harry thought it had something inside…he saw it as a container。 But I wonder if it might be a mine。〃
〃You mean; an explosive?〃
〃Not exactly…but a defense; or a test。 An alien civilization could strew these things around the galaxy; and any intelligence that picks them up would get to experience the power of the sphere。 Which is that whatever you think es true。 If you think positive thoughts; you get delicious shrimp for dinner。 If you think negative thoughts; you get monsters trying to kill you。 Same process; just a matter of content。〃
〃So; the same way a land mine blows up if you step on it; this sphere destroys people if they have negative thoughts?〃
〃Or;〃 he said; 〃if they simply arent in control of their consciousness。 Because; if youre in control of your consciousness; the sphere would have no particular effect。 If youre not in control; it gets rid of you。〃
〃How can you control a negative thought?〃 Beth said。 She seemed suddenly very agitated。 〃How can you say to someone; Dont think of a giant squid? The minute you say that; ''272'' they automatically think of the squid in the course of trying not to think of it。〃
〃Its possible to control your thoughts;〃 Norman said。 〃Maybe for a yogi or something。〃
〃For anybody;〃 Norman said。 〃Its possible to deflect your attention from undesirable thoughts。 How do people quit smoking? How do any of us ever change our minds about anything? By controlling our thoughts。〃
〃I still dont see why Harry is doing this。〃
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...