What the hell was F8? He looked around; finally saw a row of keys on the keyboard; numbered F1 to F20。 He pushed F8 and the alarms stopped。 The sub was now very close; lights shining into the porthole windows。 In the high bubble; Beth was clearly visible; instrument lights shining up on her face。 Then the sub descended out of view。
He went to the porthole and looked out。 Deepstar III was resting on the bottom; depositing more boxes from its claw hands。 Now he could read the lettering on the boxes:
〃Beth? What the hell are you doing?〃
〃Later; Norman。〃
He listened to her voice。 She sounded okay。 Was she cracking up? No; he thought。 Shes not cracking up。 She sounds okay。 Im sure shes okay。
But he wasnt sure。
The sub was moving again; its lights blurred by the cloud of sediment churned up by the propellors。 The cloud drifted up past the porthole; obscuring his vision。
〃Everythings fine; Norman。 Back in a minute。〃
As the sediment drifted down to the bottom again; he saw the sub; heading back to DH…7。 Moments later; it docked beneath the dome。 Then he saw Beth climb out; and tether the sub fore and aft。
1100 HOURS
〃Its very simple;〃 Beth said。
〃Explosives?〃 He pointed to the screen。 〃It says here; Tevacs are; weight for weight; the most powerful conventional explosives known。 What the hell are you doing putting them around the habitat?〃
〃Norman; take it easy。〃 She rested her hand on his shoulder。 Her touch was soft and reassuring。 He relaxed a little; feeling her body so close。
〃We should have discussed this together first。〃
〃Norman; Im not taking any chances。 Not any more。〃
〃But Harry is unconscious。〃
〃He might wake up。〃
〃He wont; Beth。〃
〃Im not taking any chances;〃 she said。 〃This way; if something starts to e out of that sphere; we can blow the hell out of the whole ship。 Ive put explosives along the whole length of it。〃
〃But why around the habitat?〃
〃How is it defense?〃
〃Believe me; it is。〃
〃Beth; its dangerous to have that stuff so close to us。〃
〃Its not wired up; Norman。 In fact; its not wired up around the ship; either。 I have to go out and do that by hand。〃 She glanced at the screens。 〃I thought Id wait a while first; maybe take a nap。 Are you tired?〃
〃No;〃 Norman said。
〃You havent slept in a long time; Norman。〃
〃Im not tired。〃
She gave him an appraising look。 〃Ill keep an eye on Harry; if thats what youre worried about。〃
〃Im just not tired; Beth。〃
〃Okay;〃 she said; 〃suit yourself。〃 She brushed her luxuriant hair back from her face with her fingers。 〃Personally; Im exhausted。 Im going to get a few hours。〃 She started up the ''296'' stairs to her lab; then looked down at him。 〃Want to join me?〃
〃What?〃 he said。
She smiled at him directly; knowingly。 〃You heard me; Norman。〃
〃Maybe later; Beth。〃
〃Okay。 Sure。〃
She ascended the staircase; her body swinging smoothly; sensuously in the tight jumpsuit。 She looked good in that jumpsuit。 He had to admit it。 She was a good…lookin
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...