〃Norman; we have to work together in these last few hours;〃 Beth said。
〃I agree; Beth。 Absolutely。〃
〃How are you feeling now?〃 she said。
〃Okay。 Pretty good; in fact。〃
〃Good;〃 she said。 〃Hang in there; Norman。 Its only a few more hours。〃
She hugged him warmly; but when she released him; he saw in her eyes that same detached; appraising look。
An hour later; they figured out how to release the balloon。 They distantly heard a metallic sizzle as the wire unwound from the outside spool; trailing behind the inflated balloon as it shot toward the surface。 Then there was a long pause。
〃Whats happening?〃 Norman said。
〃Were a thousand feet down;〃 Beth said。 〃It takes a while for the balloon to get to the surface。〃
Then the screen changed; and they got a readout of surface conditions。 Wind was down to fifteen knots。 Waves were ''301'' running six feet。 Barometric pressure was 20。9。 Sunlight was recorded。
〃Good news;〃 Beth said。 〃The surface is okay。〃
Norman was staring at the screen; thinking about the fact that sunlight was recorded。 He had never longed for sunlight before。 It was funny; what you took for granted。 Now the thought of seeing sunlight struck him as unbelievably pleasurable。 He could imagine no greater joy than to see sun and clouds; and blue sky。
〃What are you thinking?〃
〃Im thinking I cant wait to get out of here。〃
〃Me; too;〃 Beth said。 〃But it wont be long now。〃
Pong! pong! pong! pong!
Norman was checking Harry; and he spun at the sound。 〃What is it; Beth?〃
Pong! pong! pong! pong!
〃Take it easy;〃 Beth said; at the console。 〃Im just figuring out how to work this thing。〃
Pong! pong! pong! pong!
〃Work what?〃
〃The side…scanning sonar。 False…aperture sonar。 I dont know why they call it false…aperture。 Do you know what that refers to; false…aperture?〃
Pong! pong! pong! pong!
〃No; I dont;〃 Norman said。 〃Turn it off; please。〃 The sound was unnerving。
〃Its marked FAS; which I think stands for false…aperture sonar; but it also says side… scanning。 Its very confusing。〃
〃Beth; turn it off!〃
Pong! pong! pong! pong!
〃Sure; of course;〃 Beth said。
〃Why do you want to know how to work that; anyway?〃 Norman said。 He felt irritable; as if shed intentionally annoyed him with that sound。
〃Just in case;〃 Beth said。
〃In case what; for Christs sake? You said yourself that ''302'' Harrys unconscious。 There arent going to be any more attacks。〃
〃Take it easy; Norman;〃 Beth said。 〃I want to be prepared; thats all。〃
0720 HOURS
He couldnt talk her out of it。 She insisted on going outside and wiring the explosives around the ship。 It was an absolutely fixed idea in her mind。
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...